The meaning of CAP is a head covering especially with a visor and no brim. How to use cap in a sentence.
(often cap.) the entire universe. above all, before everything else; chiefly:Above all, the little girl wanted a piano. after all, in spite of the circumstances; notwithstanding:He came in time after all. all in all: everything considered; in general:All in all, her health is greatly...
cap it all fall all over firing on all cylinders first of all for all for all I care for all I know for all one's worth for all that get away (from it all) get one's act (it all) together go all the way have all one's buttons ...
SquareCap SSlash StackedAreaChart StackedAreaDashLineChart StackedBarChart StackedBarDashLineChart StackedColumnChart StackedColumnDashLineChart StackedLineChart StackPanel StartGraphicDiagnostics StartHierarchy StartLogging StartPoint StartTestGroupWithDebugger StartTestWithoutDebugger StartTime StartupApplication Start...
CAP - CAP是处理分布式事务的解决方案,还具有EventBus功能,它轻巧,易于使用且高效。 Carter - Carter是一个路由框架,使代码更加简单明确。 Chromely - Electron.NET的轻量级替代品,构建HTML5桌面应用程序框架。 Cinchoo ETL - 用于.NET的ETL框架(用于CSV,Flat,Xml,JSON,键值对格式文件的分析器/写入器)。 CQRSlite...
Marketing's new fascination: Figuring out word-of-mouth A story about the influence of television advertising on consumers' car purchasing behavior was published in the journal "Advertising Age," which generated several readers response. It revealed the results of a Cap Gemini Ernst & Young s.....
In other words, the CAP Theorem states that in the presence of a network partition, one has to choose between consistency and availability. Note that consistency as defined in the CAP Theorem is quite different from the consistency guaranteed in ACID database transactions. 6_ Tabular data Tabular...
Microsoft-Windows-CAP12 Error ID 30 Microsoft-Windows-Eventlog-ForwardingPlugin Event 107 while trying to send 2008 events to 2008 R2 Microsoft-Windows-Kerberos-Key-Distribution-Center Error Microsoft-Windows-NlaSvc Error ID 4205 Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP frequent checks. Microsoft-Windows-TaskSchedu...
Parser object size: <number> Number of states: <number>(cap: <number>) Max number of situations per state: <number>(cap: <number>) The size of the parser object may be couple of megabytes for some complex grammars, so consider declaring the parser as a constexpr object rather than on...