In Spider-Man 3, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire), our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, faces a web of challenges. His love for Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) is tested as new villains emerge. The Sandman (Thomas Haden Church), an escaped convict with the power to shape-shift into sand,...
Based on true events, this gritty crime thriller features one of cinema's most memorable car chases while addressing themes like obsession in the pursuit of justice and the blurred lines between heroes and villains. The French Connection won five Academy Awards including Best Picture an...
The film's unique stance and how itmakes the main characters into villainsmakesGang Relateda truly unique cinematic experience, considering that the devious actions of the crooked cops make them almost impossible to like and even harder for the audience to root for. For fans of Jim Belushi, th...
Our next set of radios, these black rather than red, comes from Korifex and Von List, the villains of the Der Anfeng mode and responsible for the whole zombie thing. There are six of these to give some context, so let’s hear what they have to say. When you can get into the Wind...
adult children in Tokyo – not exactly riveting stuff. But what transpires is a rather brutal examination of ageing, parenting and flawed humanity in modern Japan. It’ll leave anyone with a parent in a state of contemplative silence afterward – or racing to the phone to give them a call...
Vader has been one of the silver screen’s baddest villains since debuting in 1977. After watching several videos of the beta, as well as EA’s latest gameplay trailer, I couldn’t help but think where Vader might land among the top video game villains of all time. In true Cheat Code...
Leveraging every ounce of technical expertise (and commercial freedom) he’d yet earned in his career, Cameron not only skillfully reimagines as a hero Schwarzenegger’s Terminator, one of the greatest villains in sci-fi movie history, but then creates a second one to surpass him with the T...
Social mobility — in this case, ascending from their city’s literal bottom to its top — is impossible unless the poorer clan is willing to lie, betray and even kill, and yet, Bong Joon Ho’s breakthrough best picture winner refuses to make the Kims the villains, when the class ...
However, normal independent Alert threads should still be done, to help thwart the villains soldiers and save people throughout the city. This assualt will not be stopped by taking down one person.)Rewards: Increased potential for relics, and of course, the normal double XP... And the glory...
Jurassic ParkscreenwriterDavid Koeppadapting the concept. The main character is the leader of the Blackhawks squadron, a famed air outfit of seven ace pilots during World War II. When DC incorporated them into a post-war context, they became mercenaries, battled James Bond-style supervillains,...