Belle is an intelligent and compassionate young woman who sees beyond appearances in Disney's Beauty and the Beast. Her love for books, kindness towards others, and unwavering belief in finding beauty within make her a beloved character. Played By: Paige O'Hara Also ranks #1 on...
When it comes to picking the worst adaptation of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, it almost always comes back toNinja Turtles: The Next Mutation. The thing you have to keep in mind is that this series came at a time when the popularity of the TMNT was truly at a low point. Someone at Fo...
Its greatness lies in the expansive universe it has created, encompassing blockbuster films and books, TV series, games, and comics that have enriched its lore and ensured its continuous growth over decades. With its groundbreaking visual effects, unforgettable characters, and deeply resonant th...
To exit this dialog, activate the "Close" button or press the "Escape" key. We're having a technical issue Please try again in a momentTry againMovies & TV Shows/ Shop all movies & TV showsAll Movies Get It Today New Releases Steelbooks DVD Blu...
However much teachers will make you read classics like Moby-Dick or Great Expectations, chances are that many of the books you’ll keep closest to your heart are the teenage books you read. Who can forget the first time they met irresistible, fast-talking Anne Shirley in Anne of Green Gabl...
Book Review: Across the Universe The Wise Man’s Fear By:agavin Comments(14) Posted in:Books Tagged as:Arts,Book,Book Review,Literature,Perks of Being Wallflower,review,Stephen Chbosky,The Perks of Being a Wallflower Adventures in the Screen Trade ...
Also I’ve bought five books. Fitting everything into my suitcase is going to be interesting –NEVER FEAR, THOUGH. The recap and photos for the Harry Potter Studio Tour in London…they’re coming. I’m going to have a whole Harry Potter WEEK. It’ll be brilliant. –Oh, and disclaimer...
It wasRobert Downey Jr.’sTony Stark who launched the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it’s fitting that the end of his story was epic. InEndgame,Tony is reluctant to try and change the past, fearing that he’ll lose his daughter, Morgan (Lexi Rabe), but he eventually relents and...
click to see more children’s books! Card and board games These are some of the main card games I’ve done. All artwork was created by me. In general, they are games for children, but always with a focus on fun. If you want to create a printed game, get in touch so we can tal...
The Third Age was the Age of Arda that lasted for 3021 years, from the first defeat of Sauron by the forces of the Last Alliance and the deaths of Elendil and Gil-galad, to the departure of Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond, Bilbo, and Frodo to the Undying Land