Mitsuha Miyamizu, a small-town high school girl, and Taki Tachibana, a city boy from Tokyo, find themselves inexplicably swapping bodies a few times a week, causing both confusion and adjustment in their daily lives. As they try to navigate this bizarre phenomenon and learn more about each ...
Jul 22, 2009 Permalink 10/10 One of the best films of the 80's Spoiler Helpful•34 15 pgreenfi Jul 13, 2004 Permalink 6/10 Beaten by the odds Spoiler Helpful•2 0 tomsview Jan 19, 2016 Permalink 2/10 Very Uneven and Convoluted ...
Your Nameis often considered one of the best films ever made, and we agree. It follows high school students Taki Tachibana and Mitsuha Miyamizu, who are ordinary kids until, suddenly, they start swapping bodies with one another. Then, they begin to fall in love, despite never meeting, and...
9. Associate Student Bodies If you don’t know what “Associated Student Bodies” are, you won’t get very far in the gay furry community. A gay furry may find all they could want in it, including plenty of poignant situations that will hit you square in the emotions. From 1998 to 20...
To be clear, this isn’t about policing anybody’s bodies, nor is it about villainizing Kim Kardashian. Kim can do what she wants and frankly, so can everybody else. I don’t know who’s dieting or on any weight-loss drugs or eating what or not eating whatever, nor how many pairs...
(at the peak of his creative gifts), the movie is basically a story about growing up. The world is strange; let’s not fool ourselves. But maybe we, as human beings, are stranger. Chihiro is constantly (and riotously) told that she reeks; she fumbles around and incites fury. The ...
Remember that cool bounty hunter from The Empire Strikes Back? What happens when you give him his own show? “The Book of Boba Fett” is the answer—or is it? After all, parts of this show are really episodes of a different, arguably better show. Our panel discusses the seven-episode ...
Walls shift and bodies fly during gunfights; time is used as a weapon as well-dressed criminals go deeper into dreams; and a rain-soaked chase scene ranks against Nolan’s most exciting scenes. — WE 37 Once Upon a Time in China Part II (1992) Photo : ©Paragon Films/Courtesy ...
“That's it," said Grandma. “They can't fly when their bodies are cold. I wonder how they know the sun warms the rocks," said Emma.“Another mystery(奥秘) !” said Grandma.Emma laughed. “I'll have to work on that one," she said. “But I know one thing, Grandma. When I ...
He is a quest NPC who asks you to find missing bodies in the village. You have to defeat the yellow-robed enemies in the area until one of them drops the “Violet Hail” key item (random drop). Then give it to Daoist Mi to fight him.Difficulty: 3/10...