中国有句古老的成语“水涨船高”;美国第35届总统约翰·肯尼迪经常引用这句“A rising tide lifts all boats",形容促进和改善经济对所有参与者都有利,因此,经济政策,特别是政府的经济政策应该注重于广泛的,多方面的经济共同努力和合作。中美第一阶段经贸协议签署仪式日前在美国白宫正式举行。在签署仪式上,中共...
All Boats Rise with a Rising Tide? Marketization, Rural Migrants, and Housing Inequality in Urban Chinadoi:10.1142/9781800612143_0019Using the 2005 1% National Population Sample Survey of provincial capitals and municipalities, this chapter investigates the impact of marketization on housing outcomes of ...
A rising tide lifts all boats. 【习语注释】 a rising tide表示“涨潮”。该习语的字面意思是“潮水涨起时船就会浮起”,即“水涨船高”。该习语的使用时间不长,最初主要用来描述股市或经济上的价格的波动,现在常用来比喻事物随着它所凭借的基础的提高而增长或提高。 ...
... Promise little,but do much. 少许愿,多做事.A rising tide lifts all boats.水涨船高. Seeing is beliving. 眼见为实. ...|基于20个网页 2. 水涨众船高 英语常用谚语 上 ...A rising tide lifts all boats.水涨众船高。 A sound mind in a sound body. 有健全的身体...
"A rising tide lifts all the boatsand as Arkansas becomes more prosperous so does the United States and as this section declines so does the United States." While commonly associated with the economy, this idiom can also be used to illustrate any situation that gets better as a whole by im...
a rising tide lifts all boats是什么意思 lijiayoyo2013.08.16浏览93次外语分享举报lijiayoyo 采纳率:57% 等级:12 已帮助:9230人 私信TA向TA提问 1个回答 满意答案 ml199164 2013.08.16 ml199164 采纳率:53% 等级:12 已帮助:5698人 私信TA向TA提问 水涨船高 00分享举报您...
President John F. Kennedy noted that “a rising tide lifts all boats.” As predicted, the subsequent tax cut worked like a charm.
答案 1. 中文意思:A是水涨船高。 其逻辑关系分类为:比较 2. 句子参考翻译: 句子1:The higher the unemployment rate, the more intense the pressure to protect domestic industry, which is a rising tide that floats all boats. 句子2:That’s a rising tide that floats all boats,...