A repository for the most elegant and useful UNIX commands. Great commands can be shared, discussed and voted on to provide a comprehensive resource for working from the command-line
You can now"clone"to a new machine (or share with others) with this set of commands: cd git init git remote add origin git@github.com:USERNAME/dotfiles.git git fetch git checkout -f master More Notes and Open Questions {#more} ...
Docker commands can optionally be used without sudo if the user is added to the docker group (this is not the same as docker rootless, see FAQ below). --init This option makes sure that no zombie-processes are created, ever. See the Docker documentation. --sig-proxy=false This option ...
#!/bin/bash # 下载目录 downdir="/Users/xgqfrms-mbp/Documents/swift-ui/Memorize/000-xyz/pdfs/" # $1 是传递给 shell 的第一个参数 # read line 按行读取文件 cat $1 | while read line do # shell 变量需要使用双引号包裹, 或 echo $line echo "$line" cd $downdir str=$line # 按行分割...
Linux also has some commands for controlling processes such as kill, pkill, pgrep and killall, below are a few basic examples of how to use them: $ pgrep -u tecmint top $ kill 2308 $ pgrep -u tecmint top $ pgrep -u tecmint glances ...
haha, wolderful thing begins here. ... Need more practice over these commands. Part 5. Advanced Topics There are a lot of interesting topics in this part. I read all of them and understand them. But I think I can't remeber them clearlly in the future. IO Redirection...
Combine with other commands, such ascat,find, andls, to perform advanced counts. 37. whoami command Use thewhoami commandto show the currently logged-in user for the shell session: whoami The name of the effective user prints to the screen. Use the command inBash scriptsto show which user...
Here are all the Linux commands, files, and concepts you need to pass your CompTIA Linux+ exam, in one concise, condensed resource. CompTIA Linux+ Portable Command Guide, Second Edition, is filled with valuable, easy-to-access information–and it’s portable enough to use wherever...
Adjusting themd5sumcommands to another hash function, such asmd5, may be necessary. If you opt for a different hash function and require the second form of the command, you may need to modify thesortcommand accordingly. It's important to note that certain data summing pro...
{ Vector<String>commands = Parser.parse(input); if (commands.elementAt(0).equals("shutdown")) { Server.getServer().setAcceptConnections(false); Server.getServer().shutDown(); // line 65 } else { ... // other stuff here that works } } // shutDown() in Server.java public void ...