插件下载:https://github.com/SublimeCodeIntel/SublimeCodeIntel#p#分页标题#e# All Autocomplete Sublime Text 默认的 Autocomplete 功能只考虑当前的文件,而 AllAutocomplete 插件会搜索所有打开的文件来寻找匹配的提示词。
扩展默认自动完成功能以在所有打开的文件中查找匹配项。 默认情况下,Sublime 只考虑在当前文件中找到的单词。 安装 如果你在 Sublime 中安装了 Package Control,只需按 ctrl+shift+p(Windows、Linux)或 cmd+shift+p(OS X)打开命令面板。 开始键入“安装”以选择“包控制:安装包”,然后搜索 AllAutocomplete 并选择...
AllAutocomplete.whitespace: Regex to use for splitting whitespace. AllAutocomplete.showCurrentDocument: Show results from the current document in the autocomplete results. AllAutocomplete.ignoredWords: Words to ignore(separated by AllAutocomplete.whitespace) from autocomplete. ...
1.直接安装 安装Sublime text插件很方便,可以直接下载安装包解压缩到Packages目录(菜单->preferences->packages)。2.使用Package Control组件安装 也可以安装package control组件,然后直接在线安装:用Package Control安装插件的方法:按下Ctrl+Shift+P调出命令面板 输入install 调出 Install Package 选项并回车...
fully updated (just tried, tells me I have the latest version) and no autocomplete. Because autocomplete is such a bleeding edge option for a thirty eight year old application... like, how much have MS made selling Excel over the decades and continue to rope in ...
Would it make sense to provide a prop forAutocompletecomponent to display a fixed "Select all" option in the options drop-down, ifmultipleis set for the component? Examples 🌈 CodeSandbox demo, with ListBox customization: https://codesandbox.io/s/thirsty-moon-9egd9 ...
I would appreciate help with AutoComplete in Excel. Problem: - Data Validation List created does not show suggestions when typing valid entries in the dropdown cell - Clicking on the dropdown shows the list but typing while the list is dropped down does nothing ...
registry.del_ac_provider_setting("mixed", CalcAutocompleteProvider,'MIN_LETTERS') 开发者ID:jb076,项目名称:django-autocompleter,代码行数:60,代码来源:test_matching.py 示例11: test_remove_intermediate_results_suggest ▲点赞 1▼ # 需要导入模块: from autocompleter import Autocompleter [as 别名]# 或者...
IDirAutoCompleteList IDirList IDirListEvents IDirListSite IDiscoverUrlCallBack IDiscoveryClientResult IDiscoveryClientResultCollection IDiscoveryResult IDiscoveryResult2 IDiscoverySession IDocumentSite IDocumentSite2 IDropSource IEnlistingInProject IEnumComponents IEnumComReferences IEnumHierarchies IEnumHierarchyIte...
Browsed various interfaces, verifying that login interfaces allow autocomplete while non-login interfaces do not. Diff Detail Repository rP Phabricator Lint Lint Skipped Unit Tests Skipped Event Timeline epriestleyupdated this revision toDiff 24684.Aug 13 2014, 2:41 PM2014-08-13 14:41:24 (UTC+...