Baby Dinosaurs on the Ark? The Bible and Modern Science and the Trouble of Making It All Fit, Janet Kellogg Ray, Eerdmans, 2021 (ISBN 978‐0‐8028‐7944‐8), xiv+214pp., pb $17.99doi:10.1111/rirt.14216Glenn BranchReviews in Religion & Theology...
Tonkin developedYs IV: Mask of the Sunfor the Super Famicom, while Hudson Soft deliveredThe Dawn of Ysfor the TurboGrafx-16. Dawn of Ys was initially considered canon, but after the PS2 release of Ark of Napishtim, Mask of the Sun became the canon version of Ys IV. It even got a rei...
Henry is growing up into a proper three year old. He is definitely he/him, with diggers and tractors and fire engines and puddles and dinosaurs (not that being any other combination of pronouns would be a bother). And he is also loving and affectionate – and the apple of grandpa’s ey...
He casts movie stars, but refuses to treat them as such, stripping them of their lines and the chance to “act,” while privileging impressionistic fragments from his own memory (plus empathy among dinosaurs!). It’s like “2001” turned inward, posing impossibly big questions. Read the ...
Yes, that means dinosaurs were on the ark. If they were alive at the time of the flood, Noah would have taken them on the ark. How could they fit? Well, they were all born from eggs, right? They start little. Reptiles grow as long as they live. A young dinosaur would not have ...
HavingPhil LordandChris Miller's names on a movie is regularly the guarantee of something great, but the full team behind this animated marvel (in both upper- and lower-case senses of the word) is what makes it work.Bob Persichetti,Peter Ramsey, andRodney Rothmanall added something as direc...
When I was nine years old, no movie terrorized my waking hours likeWes Craven’s New Nightmare. My child brain was simply unable to handle the meta-textual twist of the seventhNightmare on Elm StreetNearly everyNightmare on Elm Streetfilm has given me nightmares, and I appreciate thatNew Ni...
A final chapter, "Leaving Creationism (Without Leaving God)", pleads with Ray's fellow Christians to regard evolution not as a threat to their faith but as the excellent science that it is. As the whimsical title of Janet Kellogg Ray's book suggests, I Baby Dinosaurs on t...
Byline: Lindsay Tucker Imagine the Titanic minus the smokestacks, framed out of timber...Tucker, Lindsay
He casts movie stars, but refuses to treat them as such, stripping them of their lines and the chance to “act,” while privileging impressionistic fragments from his own memory (plus empathy among dinosaurs!). It’s like “2001” turned inward, posing impossibly big questions. Read the ...