Get a list of apps that a beta tester can test. App Store Connect API 1.0+ URL GET{id}/apps Path Parameters id string (Required) An opaque resource ID that uniquely identifies the resource. Query Parameters limit integer Number of re...
Get a list of apps that a beta tester can test. App Store Connect API 1.0+ URL GET{id}/apps Path Parameters id string (Required) An opaque resource ID that uniquely identifies the resource. Query Parameters limit integer Number of reso...
显示应用程序列表 最后,实现showAllAppList方法来显示所有应用程序的列表。可以使用PackageManager类的getInstalledApplications方法来获取设备上已安装的应用程序列表,并将其展示给用户。 privatevoidshowAllAppList(){PackageManagerpackageManager=getPackageManager();List<ApplicationInfo>installedApps=packageManager.getInstalle...
Microsoft Power Platform 與 Azure Logic Apps 連接器文件 連接器概觀 自訂連接器 建立連接器 AI 外掛程式 (預覽版) 預覽版連接器常見問題 輸出IP 位址 已知問題 提供意見反應 連接器參考 所有連接器的清單 篩選清單 標準連接器 進階連接器 預覽連接器 生產環境連接器 Power Apps 連接器 Power Automate 連接器 Logi...
Only connectors available in Power Apps are shown.You can select a connector to view more detailed connector-specific documentation including its functionality and region availability. You can also filter all connectors by a certain category. Note that filters do not stack and each link will take ...
Synchronize users and groups with the Majordomo mailing list managerGitLab integration Integration of GitLab software development management serviceSnappyMail SnappyMail WebmailDroneCI Fast Lane Queue manager for Drone CICalendar Newsletter Calendar-based NewsletterIntros Tutorials of Nextcloud appsSummary...
If you install Office on a computer with Windows 10 and you can’t find the Office shortcuts on the Start menu or under All apps this might be because you have more than 512 apps in your All apps list.
This is a list of RSS related stuff. Every single sentence in has been extended into exact apps, tools and services recorded in this list. Contents are mainly organized based on the posts in the Telegram Channel @AboutRSS (in Chinese). Inspired by Awesome lists and @realSpen...
An open list of apps built with Flutter OPEN SOURCE TEMPLATE ZOOM SORT FEATUREDRATINGINSTALLSNEWESTOLDEST Upload Remote Seamless File Sharing between PC, Mac and Mobiles GOOGLE PLAY|APP STORE MemoirME A personal memory companion that helps you capture, organize, and relive your most precious ...
Appium supports app automation across a variety of platforms, like iOS, Android, macOS, Windows, and more. Each platform is supported by one or more "drivers", which know how to automate that particular platform. You can find a full list of officially-supported and third-party drivers inAppi...