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This game is not what it seems... Inspired by creepy/bad edutainment games from the 90s, Baldi's Basics is a meta horror game that's really weird, with no real…
Baldi's Basics Paper Behavior Ratings and Reviews 4.5 out of 5 193 Ratings学妹都可以理解 , 07/12/2024 有一些建议 希望能多加一点时间并且多加一些老师,如果能加快基础奔跑速度和调整灵敏度就更好了😇 删除Miss circle的传送! , 20/08/2024 Miss circle会传送真的好恶心 建议删掉Miss circle...
This game is not what it seems... Inspired by creepy/bad edutainment games from the 90s, Baldi's Basics is a meta horror game that's really weird, with no real…
This game is not what it seems... Inspired by creepy/bad edutainment games from the 90s, Baldi's Basics is a meta horror game that's really weird, with no real…
Baldi's Basics Paper Behavior评分及评论 4.6(满分 5 分) 166 个评分 删除Miss circle的传送!,2024/08/20 Miss circle会传送真的好恶心 建议删掉Miss circle的传送 把老师会瞬移删掉 太无敌了 加点可以使用的道具增加血量可以回复 💫涵小满~~,2024/08/07 ...
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