Clinic The Cloak Ox Clock Hands Strangle Clock Opera Close Talker Closet Witch Cloud Boat Cloud Castle Lake Cloud Control Cloud Cult Cloud Dog Cloud Nothings Cloudland Canyon Clover CLOVES Clues The Coast Coast Modern Coasts The Coasts Coastwest Unrest The Coathangers...
Achieving this was a feat that required the help of the PR guy at my hotel, who placed a personal call to the actual Jamaican Minister of Health (a childhood friend, he explained), whose office obtained me a single spot at one of two private clinics on the island. The private clinic o...
Limited Edition Artist Textiles in Support of Witkoppen Health and Welfare Clinic (solo)03.30 - 05.31Goodman Gallery (Johannesburg, South Africa) (1)(3)(4) Sheela Gowda It.. Matters (solo)03.31 - 10.18Lenbachhaus (Munich, Germany) (1)(7)(4) Danny Leyland - Debris Dance (solo)04.02 -...
Limited Edition Artist Textiles in Support of Witkoppen Health and Welfare Clinic (个展)03.30 - 05.31古德曼画廊 (南非 Johannesburg) (3)(4) Sheela Gowda It.. Matters (个展)03.31 - 10.18Lenbachhaus (德国 Munich) (7)(4) Danny Leyland - Debris Dance (个展)04.02 - 04.29Arusha gallery (英国...