This app make it easy to find out your amiibo rune rewards in Tears of the Kingdom, Breath of the Wild and Echoes of Wisdom. The amiibo is an ability in Tears…
Amiibo rewards range fromparagliderfabric toarmor,weaponsor materials (likeancient blades), depending on the figure in question. For example, scanning theMajora’s MaskLink amiibo grants you the chance to themed fabric for your paraglider, or theFierce Deity set. Beyond that, amiibo often also ha...
You can also get some sets through the use of amiibo in addition to the traditional method of Actually Finding It. Check out our guide on Tears of the Kingdom amiibo rewards to see which sets you can get by skipping the busywork.Where to find all armor sets in Zelda: Tears of the Ki...
You can scan The Legend of Zelda series amiibo to repeatedly earn weapons based on the figure, they occasionally drop unique items such asZelda: Tears of the Kingdom armor,Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom paragliderfabric, and some can even give youZelda: Tears of the Kingdom horseslike Epona....
This app make it easy to find out your amiibo rune rewards in Tears of the Kingdom, Breath of the Wild and Echoes of Wisdom. The amiibo is an ability in Tears…