Build a tower Build a wall Watch it burn Watch it fall Two for sorro[...] Unfortunately, we are not licensed to display the full lyrics for this song at the moment. Hopefully we will be able to in the future. Until then, how about a random page ? I want to edit metadata...
Lyrics 01. Open Up (Live) they were looking for me when I came tothey were looking for me when I came backsaid hey you you're looking very suspiciousI said relax man get off my backI I I ain't opposed to seeking justicebut you're going about it all wrongthe man you're ...
& that’s probably a fair criticism. However, Johnny has been open about writing all the music first & then later writing all the lyrics in a very short space of time. Basically, he used this album as therapy to deal with some very serious issues in his life, &...
Will go with you along. We have short time to stay, as you; We have as short a spring; As quick a growth to meet decay, As you, or any thing. We die. As your hours do, and dry Away Like to the summer's rain; Or as the pearls of morning's dew ...
With a team of train-hopping graffiti artists, the potent words to “Watch It Fall” take on new meaning both with the beautiful North American landscape, as well as the images that the artists create in response to Strings’ lyrics. As Strings tackles such topics as environmental conservatio...
This 1984 single on the New York-based Jah Life label (also often titled “Tell Them a Ready,” depending which version is played) nicely encapsulatesLevy’s clout as the living blueprint of the dancehall singer. Along withJunior Reid, he led a wave of “Waterhouse-style” singers who cu...
“Oh, Christ,” the surgeon muttered, and he took off along the side of the field at a run. “You shot him,” Dunwoody gasped. “Why’d you do that?” Hugh had no words. Daniel was hurt, perhaps even mortally, and he’d done it.Hehad done it. No one had forced him. And ...
“danny ruckasin, who is now my manager, reached out to my brother and was like, ‘dude, this is going to get huge and i think you’re going to need help along the way. i want to help you guys.’ we were like, ‘that’s swag!’” j.p. maren morris, “my church” ...
Like the lyrics to this song, when it comes to Napoleon: ‘I’m his girl’. For nearly ten years, he’s been my boy. We will marry – perhaps the two of us, in jeans – and I’ll figure this out. Until then, it would be good to hear your experiences of the transition between...
I’m not sure what I’m going to do for the next 30 years as I’ve been blessed beyond words in my life so far. Thank you to everyone for coming along for the ride the last 11 years with me. My family and friends for entertaining my super fandom of the Titanic movie. Last night...