Related to Allelle:multiple allele,Recessive allele,Dominant allele al·lele (ə-lēl′) n. Any of the alternative forms of a gene or other homologous DNA sequence. Also calledallelomorph. [GermanAllel, short forAllelomorph,allelomorph, from Englishallelomorph.] ...
allelomorph- (genetics) either of a pair (or series) of alternative forms of a gene that can occupy the same locus on a particular chromosome and that control the same character; "some alleles are dominant over others" allele cistron,gene,factor- (genetics) a segment of DNA that is invo...
A Different combinations of X-linked alleles are responsible for variable sex ratios among digenic females. ‘Male-determining’ alleles should result in X elimination and ‘female-determining’ alleles should result in X retention. B The ‘trapping’ of female-determining alleles through recombination...
The two genes, one on each chromosome of a pair, that control the same trait are called (a) dominants (b) phenotypes (c) genotypes (d) alleles. If there are 2 alleles, A and a (1 dominant and 1 recessive), and two heterozygotes mate, what is th...
It is shown that this population can realize all possible phenotypic states if and only if the hereditary system is either dominant-recessive or maternal or the combination of these. The proof is based on topological degree arguments. Connections to global inverse function techniques are also ...
This begs the question of how different are plant and animal sex chromosomes, and which of the many unique properties of plants would be expected to affect sex chromosome evolution differently than animals? In fact, plant and animal sex chromosomes exhibit more similarities than differences, and ...
What blood type(s) can a child born to a mother with B- blood type and a father with A+ blood type have? Be sure to focus on the concepts of dominant and recessive alleles, multiple alleles, and codominance in your explanation. Are th...
For blood types, the A and B alleles are both dominant, while O is recessive. 对于血型来说,A和B都是显性的,O则是隐性的。 So A and A gives you type A blood, while B and B gives you type B. 所以A和A组合产生A型血,B和B组合产生B型血。 If you inherit one of each, the resulting ...
As suppression (i.e. bisexual brood) is associated with dorippus, of which all individuals in broods 17, 25, 26 and 27 are known to be heterozygous at the colour locus, S must be dominant and its recessive allele (s) will most often be linked with c. Genes S and C are likewise ...
AD: autosomal dominant; X-R: X-linked recessive; H1; haplotype 1; H2: haplotype 2; BAF: B-allele frequency; ROI: region of interest; GBS: genotyping-by-sequencing; WGS: whole genome sequencing; exp: expected, obs: observed; del: deletion. Source data are provided as a Source Data file...