Tolkien's epic novel, the fantasy adventure trilogy follows hobbit Frodo Baggins and his Fellowship on a quest to destroy the One Ring in order to defeat its creator, the Dark Lord Sauron. Renowned for its sweeping scale, this iconic series combines breathtaking visuals, filmed entirely i...
Latest additions: Honey Lemon Soda, Anyway, I'm Falling In Love With You., Medaka Kuroiwa Is Impervious to My Charms Most divisive: Kids on the Slope Over 198.0K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 150+ Best Romance Anime Of All Time HOW RANKINGS WORK It's time...
发布人 Stream the Adventure Time: Distant Lands - Obsidian Soundtrack today ↣!CN 打开封面 下载高清视频 观看高清视频 视频下载器 【探险时光】玛瑟琳的成长史 | Adventure Time: Distant Lands - Obsidian | HBO MAX 【探险...
50 Greatest Adventure Books of All Time. (the Adventure Issue)
It’s time for all of you to join us in watching one of the great (and underrated) adventure films of all time, and perhaps James Cameron’s best film: “The Abyss.” We watched the Special Edition of the film, and discuss the ways in which it’s superior to the original cut, ...
In order to stress(强调)the importance of hard-working spirit education 3 students, the Communist Party of China Central Committee recently released(发布)the guidelines. The guidelines call for students to respect labor(劳动)work. Students should learn basic life skills and develop good working 4 ...
Adventure Time hey ice King why'd you steal our garbage is a beautiful and fun 3D at 60 frames per second take on the Zelda 2 style rpg.Harmo Knight is fun.Ikachan is very cute and a fun little game.Pushmo, Crashmo, and Stretchmo are fantastic puzzle games that all run at 60fps ...
In 1976, director Brian De Palma adapted King’s first published novel Carrie, and in the process created one of the greatest horror movies of all time. With an impressive cast including Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, Nancy Allen, Betty Buckley, William Katt and John Travolta, this story of a...
The music of Strauss’s last years – starting with Capriccio in 1940, encompassing the two wind serenades, the Second Horn Concerto and the Oboe Concerto, and culminating in the Four Last Songs –is among the most perfect music of all time. Where to start with Strauss Four Last Songs ...
Share in Facebook Just as some people enjoy the sound of their favorite songs and others enjoy more ASMR videos than they’re comfortable admitting, some of us just can’t get enough of the sound of a revving engine. We personally know people who installed an app that makes their phone...