Power, performance, panache. These all-in-one PCs have everything you love about desktop computing with none of the clutter. When there’s a lot to do, Windows can help make the everyday easier. Help me choose Filter Primarily used for(Select up to 2) ...
Power, performance, panache. These all-in-one PCs have everything you love about desktop computing with none of the clutter. When there’s a lot to do, Windows can help make the everyday easier. Help me choose Filter Primarily used for(Select up to 2) ...
PowerShell CMDLets for WebSphere MQ - administer queues on Windows or LinuxLast year, I wrote about the idea of PowerShell CmdLets for WebSphere MQ. PowerShell is a beautiful...Date: 06/30/2008Create Zip files within PowershellYou can use DotNetZip library from within Powershell. It's ...
SharePoint workflows can help you automate your business processes, making them both more consistent and more efficient. The Approval workflow lets you route documents and other items stored in SharePoint to one or more people for their approval. Notes: SharePoint 2010 workflows have been ...
The Windows Server Performance team has updated teh Window Server 2008 Tuning guide to include...Date: 06/18/2008Why can't I start my VM when there is plenty of free memory?Issue #1: A number of customers has reported than VM's fail to start when there is plently of...Date: 06/...
Two ways to start a workflowA workflow can be set up to be started manually only, automatically only, or either way: Manuallyat any time, by anyone who has the necessary permissions. Automaticallywhenever a specified triggering event occurs — that is, whenever a document is added to ...
Search by Screen Size 23-25" Special Offers ThinkCentre Neo Series Powerful, smart, & stylish desktop & all-in-one PCs made with eco-friendly technology & materials. Desktops Sale Save more on your new desktop and earn reward points on all purchases. Limited range. Don't miss out!
To create your own Start menu, begin by selecting what style and how many icons you want. For example, the Start menu will be in a Windows 7 style with 20 small icons. You can allow what the Search function finds underSearchand have the menu highlight new apps. ...
VLCcan play most multimedia files, discs, streams, devices and is also able to convert, encode,streamand manipulate streams into numerous formats. VLC is used by many over the world, on numerous platforms, for very different use cases. ...
With this, tools like Xposed can do android native hook. 加壳&&脱壳 [1757星][7m] [C++] wrbug/dumpdex Android脱壳 [1438星][3m] [C++] vaibhavpandeyvpz/apkstudio Open-source, cross platform Qt based IDE for reverse-engineering Android application packages. [807星][3m] [C] strazzere/...