1. Weather fact cards气象科普卡,内容包含雨、云、风、气温、干旱、冰冻、极端天气等的知识。 2. Weather lapbook天气主题自制书,下载模板后涂色,裁剪,并黏贴。 3. Today's weather chart每日气象表,根据天气情况每天更新。想要长久使用的话可以...
【玩手工学英语】春季主题:Spring Song(独家Lapbook) 【玩手工】玩转春节知识,离不开这本Lapbook! 【玩手工学英语】房间主题:Rooms of the House 【玩手工学英语】天气主题:What's the Weather Like? 【玩手工学英语】水果主题:Fruit Song ...
This Sunflower Mini-Unit is for students to learn all about sunflowers: how tall they grow, where they originated, and other sunflower facts. It also covers what plants need, the different parts of a sunflower and the sunflower life cycle. This Sunflower Mini-Unit includes lapbook or inter...
Color each item on the page to create the lapbook’s cover. When finished, glue the pieces to each side of the front of the lapbook. Pin STEP 2. Cut out the All About Scientists banner and glue it to the top portion of the lapbook. Then cut out the What is a scientist? box and...
This Sunflower Mini-Unit is for students to learn all about sunflowers: how tall they grow, where they originated, and other sunflower facts. It also covers what plants need, the different parts of a sunflower and the sunflower life cycle. This Sunflower Mini-Unit includes lapbook or inter...
Help your children learn all about Thanksgiving traditions and facts with this hands-on interactive Thanksgiving lapbook lesson!
They will learn about the types and causes of weather, as well as how to predict the weather. Students will follow and learn about the numerous types of bodies of water in our world. They will dive into the ocean and discover what’s hidden in its depths. Students will learn about the...
2. Weather lapbook天气主题自制书,下载模板后涂色,裁剪,并黏贴。 3. Today's weather chart每日气象表,根据天气情况每天更新。想要长久使用的话可以塑封,使用魔术贴会更方便。 4. My weather station我的气象站,观测天气,并对观察结果做好记录。 5. Weather wheel天气转盘,模板有3个模板,裁剪圆形天气转盘,指针(...
Read all about soil. Keep clicking on “next.” How does weather affect soil? (answer: Weather helps make soil by causing rocks to crack and break up.) How does soil help plants? (answer: It gives them nutrients to make them healthy.) Level 5-8 Read about how different factors affect...
You’re going to be doing an animal classification lapbook. You can print the whole lapbook now, or each page will be linked as it’s assigned. (Be sure to print these pages single-sided.) Read about animal classes. *Today, complete the Lesson 6 lapbook piece on “classifying living thi...