In memory of STYLE2OUF 1999-2011 Rest In Peace Webmaster
253-Cat on the Mat 《垫子上的猫》 254-All About Robots 《关于机器人》 》 》 264-》 》
All About Dance has everything you need for your child's dance experience. Highly qualified, responsible, fully vaccinated staff. Flexible schedule. Family atmosphere.
And even for those with a permit,they may be forbidden in some areas.It's important for street performers to think carefully about where they'll perform. Obviously, places with more people mean they can earn more money. But they need to avoid blocking shop entrances. And in some cities, ...
dance in the street. People all like lion dances in Guangdong.V. Read the passage and answer the questions with complete sentences. 阅读短文,用完整的句子回答问题。It's half past seven in the morning. The Wilsons are in the kitchen. Mrs Wilson is sitting at the breakfast table. She is re...
And we all start another school day! 我们开始又一个上学日! 》 209-The Lonely Penguin《孤单的企鹅》 210-》 212-The Three Bears《三只熊》 213-The Way Back Home《 回家的路》 My Five Senses 《我的五感 215-Smell 《气味》 218...
“We love Martell School of Dance! I have three daughters and each of them has participated in one or more aspects of Martell’s programming from traditional coursework in various dance styles to Acro workshops to Princess Dance Camp. When I asked my dancers what they loved most about Martell...
That little white lie by her father, who also gave his daughter the nickname “Logistx,” led to Edra coincidentally discovering her raison d'être in breaking — a form of street dance comprised of dance “battles” and ciphers that would go on to take center stage in her life. “So, ...
The carnival is all about the samba(桑巴舞). It's a kind of dance with special music from Africa. Samba music is usually fast and exciting with a lot of drums and horns(喇叭). It is the kind of music that you couldn't stop dancing to. And I was learning it as I walked throug...
The carnival is all about the samba(桑巴舞). It is a kind of dance with special music. The samba comes from Africa. Samba music is usually fast and exciting with a lot of drums and harmonica rorals(口琴). It is the kind of music that you couldn't stop dancing to. And I was ...