英语翻翻书All About Seasons#Lapbook#手工diy - 🐍我想静静🐰于20231119发布在抖音,已经收获了3264个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Seasons of my apple tree ▲ 了解苹果树在不同的季节有怎样的变化 4、制作封面 将封面内容用80克A4纸打印、彩铅涂色,裁剪成对称的两张,分别粘贴到封皮上。《All about apples》Lapbook制作完成。获取本期lapbook主题资源的方式:关注公众号:Totoro的小花园,在后台发送关键字:苹果,即可自动获取全套资源。
▲ 了解不同的水果生长在哪些不同的地方 Seasons of my apple tree ▲ 了解苹果树在不同的季节有怎样的变化 4、制作封面 将封面内容用80克A4纸打印、彩铅涂色,裁剪成对称的两张,分别粘贴到封皮上。 《All about apples》Lapbook制作完成。 获取本期lapbook主题资源的方式:关注公众号:Totoro的小花园,在后台发送关...
1、Maple Syrup Lapbook 黑白版本的lapbook,48页,素材丰富。有科学、社会学、艺术、语言以及数学等多方面的内容。与绘本契合度高,包括枫糖浆的制作过程、枫树的生命周期等。 2、四季树 1)、打印模板后,根据树干上的季节,把树装饰成与季节相匹配的树,可以自己...
This Sunflower Mini-Unit is for students to learn all about sunflowers: how tall they grow, where they originated, and other sunflower facts. It also covers what plants need, the different parts of a sunflower and the sunflower life cycle. This Sunflower Mini-Unit includes lapbook or inter...
This Sunflower Mini-Unit is for students to learn all about sunflowers: how tall they grow, where they originated, and other sunflower facts. It also covers what plants need, the different parts of a sunflower and the sunflower life cycle. This Sunflower Mini-Unit includes lapbook or inter...