Also known as the IIT JEE exam, JEE Advanced exam is conducted by IITs on a rotational basis. The IIT that is scheduled to conduct the exam in a particular year is referred to as the Organizing Institute or OI. The JEE Advanced 2022 exam will be conducted by IIT Bombay. The JEE Advan...
Exam will be conducted on May 18, 2025.JEE Advanced Mock Test 2025: Attempt All India Test SeriesWant to crack the IIT JEE 2025 exam on your first attempt? Get aligned with the new JEE Advanced mock test series on Embibe to learn about the JEE Advanced exam pattern and how to attempt ...
Real JEE Mains Exam Simulation: Taking a JEE Mains AITS every Sunday closely simulates the actual JEE Main exam frequency. This familiarises students with the pressure and time constraints of the real IIT JEE examination, reducing anxiety and increasing their comfort level. Progress Tracking: Frequ...
The syllabus of JEE Main 2023 exam for session 1 will include topics from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics of Class 11 and Class 12. The major important section of the entrance exam will be Physics which will consist of two sections with a total weightage of 45% marks. The question pape...
Entrance Exam More IIT JEE IIT JEE JEE Main JEE Advanced JEE Q&A More TNTET 2021 - Practice SSC CGL 2021 - Practice TNPSC Group 2A 2021 - Practice IIT JEE IIT JEE Q&A TNPSC Answer Keys TNPSC Group 2 Syllabus TNPSC Q&A Online Tests - TNPSC ...
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