Stiglich, Joan-MarieOcular Surgery News
Inflammation of the retina Cataract surgeryorvitreoretinal surgery (vitrectomy) Vitreomacular traction syndrome SEE RELATED:Is it normal for young people with myopia to have eye floaters? Diagnosis Posterior vitreous detachment is diagnosed through acomprehensive eye exam. In order to see the retina mo...
5) senile cataract/surgery 老年性白内障/外科学 6) cataract/surgery 白内障/外科手术 补充资料:白内障 白内障 cataract 晶状体部分或全部混浊的病理现象。分先天性和后天性。先天性白内障多在出生前后即已存在,小部分在出生后逐渐形成,多为遗传性疾病,有内生性与外生性两类,内生性者与胎儿发育障碍有关,外生性者...
Posterior capsulotomy, or YAG capsulotomy, is a procedure done to treat complications that may develop after cataract surgery.
Clear Lens Extraction: Clear lens extraction—or refractive lens exchange—is the removal of the natural lens of the eye (as occurs during cataract surgery) with replacement by an intraocular lens implant.Schedule a Free LASIK Consultation Aloha Laser Vision is dedicated to meeting the vision needs...
Allon Barsam has an international reputation for personalised vision correction, combining state of the art technology with superb microsurgical skills.
important information about your eye surgery (only available in German). Order brochure Contact us Still uncertain? Don't worry, our experts are happy to help! AUGENLASERKLINIK 0 93 52 / 60 214 20 Our advantages Here you will find arguments that will make it easier for you to decide, for...
1. Recombinant tissue plasminogen activator for treatment of fibrinous membranes after cataract surgery; 重组组织型纤维蛋白酶原激活剂治疗白内障手术后的纤维蛋白膜(英文)2. The clinical observation of unique eye cataract surgery.; 独眼白内障手术的临床观察...
Our Southern Florida eye doctors at All Saints Eye Center specialize in LASIK & cataract surgery. Contact us in Naples, Fort Myers, or Bonita Springs today!
Cataract surgery YAG laser eye surgery Diabetes (diabetic vitreopathy) CMV retinitis Inflammation associated with many conditions such aseye infectionscan cause the vitreous to liquefy, leading to a PVD. When you are nearsighted, your eye’s elongated shape also can increase the likelihood of a ...