"All About Asset Allocation" goes beyond sound-bite financial columns and TV programs to explain asset allocation in terms that anyone can understand. Using a concise style, it features straight-forward explanations of asset allocation, a review of the asset allocation process, and guidelines for ...
作者: 这两天在看《资产配置从入门到精通 All About Asset Allocation》 by Richard A. Ferri, 2010年的老书,内容不错。我自己也理了一下我可能的配置,供参考。 - 这个配置是值得关注的资产,并不是我有配置的 - 配置里不包含大宗商品,不能自主增值的资产,不适合长期配置 - 资产背景颜色代表了相关性的大小 ...
A clear and intuitive explanation for individual investors of the benefits of constructing an appropriate asset allocation and how to do so, this book can serve as an excellent tool for communicating to clients the importance of holding a well-diversified portfolio....
摘要: Offers the information you need to know about how to: implement a smart asset allocation strategy; diversify your investments with stocks, bonds, real estate, and other classes; and, change your allocation and lock in gains. This......
> 华研外语 > All About Asset Allocation 英文原版 资产配置从入门到精通第2版 英文版华研外语官方旗舰店 关注店铺 评分详细 商品评价: 4.5 中 物流履约: 4.6 中 售后服务: 4.8 高 手机下单 进店逛逛 | 关注店铺 关注 举报 企业购更优惠 All...
There are lots of managed funds out there that will cater to your specific investment personality and will take care of the asset allocation for you within the fund. All you have to do is worry about saving the money; your solid asset allocation plan and the investment managers will take ...
equity indexes that have changed the dynamics of the index fund marketplace and a new chapter on commodities and commodity index funds Vanguard's revision of the indexes it uses for benchmarking Discussion of the increasing popularity of ETFs for effective asset allocation All About Index Funds ...
从<资产配置(Asset Allocation):改善绩效并且降低风险的投资方式>一文可知,如果投资者要建立一个资产配置的投资组合,通常表示需要拥有多的不同资产的基金或ETF,然后依照投资者的需求自己挑选资产及决定配置比例,且随着时间监控和调整投资组合,但这种方法可能并不适用所有人。原因可能是有些人没有时间,或不具备足够的专业...
从<资产配置(Asset Allocation):改善绩效并且降低风险的投资方式>一文可知,如果投资者要建立一个资产配置的投资组合,通常表示需要拥有多的不同资产的基金或ETF,然后依照投资者的需求自己挑选资产及决定配置比例,且随着时间监控和调整投资组合,但这种方法可能并不适用所有人。原因可能是有些人没有时间,或不具备足够的专业...
The Importance of Asset Class Allocation Most investors, including investment professionals and industry leaders, do not beat the index of the asset class in which they invest, according to two studies by Gary P. Brinson and Gilbert L. Beebower titled "Determinants of Portfolio Performance" (1986...