possessing his schoolmates Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki. Under master sorcerer Satoru Gojou, Yuuji and his allies exorcise deadly curses while combating the nefarious cursed spirit Ryomen Sukuna within Yuuji. But to truly defeat Sukuna, Yuuji must walk the razor's edge between humanity and ...
In order to avoid Sukuna potentially going out of control, Yuji focuses on strengthening his own abilities. His most notable move, Black Flash, lets him use spatial distortion to strengthen his attacks by 2.5x. Not bad for someone who just started fighting Curses recently...
Jet was the black dog, the hunter who wouldn't let go, mostly of his past. I always found it cool that they didn't overdo the presence of his cybernetic arm with stupid abilities.Faye was the woman of their crew. Smart, sexy, and probably too smart for her own good. She was, ...
As soon as he seizes control over a new body, Kenjaku hasaccess to the victim’s memories, cursed energy supply, and even their cursed abilities. Even after switching from one body to another, he can keep possession of all the techniques of his previous hosts. Nonetheless, it is said tha...
Nikyu Nikyu no Mi– Does a lot of damage as long as you take a lot of damage. Ito Ito no Mi– Does decent damage as long as you don’t spam the abilities. Not great at PvE. Mero Mero no Mi– As fun as it is to make enemies fall in love with you, this fruit just isn’...
The downside of this power-up is that, after the enlarging wears off, Luffy's body temporarily shrinks to the size of that of a child. Pushing himself to his limits, Luffy can combine the abilities of Gear 2 and Gear 3, using them simultaneously. ...
For him, humans are nothing but pathetic weaklings and creatures of no importance. Like Father’s True Form, Pride’s abilities are pretty much about multi-eyed and multi-mouthed controllable shadows, which shows that his human embodiment of a kid is just a mere vessel. He can also consume...
passing away in a freak accident, he's reincarnated as a seemingly weak slime monster. Turns out that his absorption abilities make him one of the most powerful beings in his new world... but even his exceptional combat abilities pale in comparison to his negotiation tactics and ...
passing away in a freak accident, he's reincarnated as a seemingly weak slime monster. Turns out that his absorption abilities make him one of the most powerful beings in his new world... but even his exceptional combat abilities pale in comparison to his negotiation tactics and...
passing away in a freak accident, he's reincarnated as a seemingly weak slime monster. Turns out that his absorption abilities make him one of the most powerful beings in his new world... but even his exceptional combat abilities pale in comparison to his negotiation tactics and ...