Taisho Otome Fairy Tale (TV Tokyo, 2021) is a romantic comedy anime series based on the manga by Sana Kirioka from SynergySP animation studio. Tamahiko finds himself exiled to the countryside by his wealthy family because of his disability, but his lonely life is turned upside down by the ...
Whether it works for you may hinge entirely on if you consider it a science-fiction story or a fairy tale. We marvel at some great performances, are frustrated by some creative choices, and in the end find ourselves applauding the boldness of the ending. (Now pass us some tissues, we’...
Find release dates and scores for every major upcoming and recent video game release for all platforms, updated weekly. Just released Here are the most notable titles released in recent weeks, with this week's new releases listed first. This week's new games Other recent releases (by date, ...
The same reason weranked itthe best Bond movie of all-time: it’s a brilliant reinvention of a manwe thought we already knewThis Pierce Brosnan slander shall not stand!—A.J.B., breaking already established tropes and giving viewers something else to latch onto other than just a witty Col...
When you adopt a homeland, as I did Ireland, you sort of want the fairy tale to live on. I also imagine that when I do my own Ancestry.com, and I will, that the results will differ from my beautiful daughters. However, it’s quite unlikely that Irish percentage will be north of ...
By contrast, the East Bay is home to 2.4 million million souls. Yet, San Francisco is the economic hub of the entire area. Lots of people need to go there every day, and they all have to come home. It is impossible to appreciate the maze when you are in it. For the initiated, ...