The pattern and its meaning, what you meant, What has been raveled and what has been rent.Three Short Poems by Matsuo BashoA sturdy oak In the plum orchard, Totally indifferent To the blossoms.Not knowing The name of the tree,
By the way, I looked up the meaning of Heineken. It means “son of little Hein” (Henry). But I don’t think Heineken’s dad was named Hein. Nein. The man wasn’t little. You see, in Africa, people’s names are not whimsical blasé appellations. We don’t wake up and name a...
The lymphatic system is part of the vascular system and an important part of the immune system, comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph (from Latin, lympha meaning “water”) directionally towards the heart. Unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic syst...
Getting started was the hardest part, and each child had their own struggles. For my second grader it was simply logging on. He and his fellow seven-year-olds were given school laptops without knowing the meaning of the words “browser,”“curser,” or “x-out.” As for my verbose fift...
/ NYROB The New York Review of Books, April 7, 2011Garry WillsAll Things Shining: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Ageby Hubert Dreyfus and Sean Dorrance KellyFree Press, 254 pp., $26.00This book, which was featured on the front page of The New York Times Boo...
A philosophical exploration of the meaning of life—with a surprisingly nihilistic tone for the Bible. Author: Traditionally Solomon 22. Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) A love song (or collection of love songs) celebrating love, desire, and marriage. ...
Their bonds of friendship help them overcome obstacles as they learn the true meaning of family. Dig Deeper The Best Fairy Tail Fanfiction, Ranked Also ranks #1 on 21 Times Anime Logic Made No Sense, But Fans Went With It Anyway The 20 Strongest Fairy Tail Guild Members, Ranked 1Natsu ...
Truly, literary ghosts are extremely important if we understand their metaphorical meaning. First, the ghosts we know are often really–ourselves. Great literature reveals the human condition; it shows us how to rise above our weaknesses, mistakes, and sins, and what happens when we don’t. Gh...
As they face formidable adversaries and form new friendships, Kiyo and Zatch learn about the value of trust, tenacity, and the true meaning of power. Also ranks #8 on 21 Toonami Shows You Totally Forgot About Also ranks #12 on The 13 Most Obvious Pokémon Ripoffs Also ranks #15 on 17 ...
Show 7 - The Futility of Existence apart from God. Moral Law. The Meaning of Life. Dualism. Brain and Mind. The Concept of Self. [Stream M3UorDownload & Play MP3] Show 8 - Is the Bible True? A Beginning Look at Biblical History. Textual Criticism of the Manuscripts. [Stream M3UorDow...