So it’s onlyD&D spellsand5e Magic Itemsthat are going bye-bye. If you want to preserve these old rules on the DnD Beyond website, you’ll need to create your own homebrew versions of this content and then copy them across. You might want to consult our guide to thebiggest spell chan...
Divine Furynow allows the Barbarians to determine the damage type they deal each time they deal damage, giving them more freedom to adapt when needed. Warrior of the Godsnow includes the ability to regain some additional HP when they are healed by a spell or magic items for more survivability...
DND 5E Rules: Dices used in DnD 5E: 3 main categories of the game: DND 5E Character Sheets PDF Download Links: 1- Races Classes Beyond 1st Level Equipment Feats Using Ability Scores Adventuring Combat Spells: Magic Items: Monsters: Running the game Appendices: What is Dungeons and Dragons or...
Advertisement In D&D, sometimes your magic items can have a lot of personality. We look at some of D&D’s sentient… GeneralWarhammer Age of Sigmar: Orruk Bossrock & Manifestations Showcase Mar 1, 2025 Advertisement Ben is back with a new showcase for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. This time...
D&D: Essential Magic Items For Spring Break Goodman Games Announces 'Dungeon Denizens II' Warhammer 40K: 3 Armies That Need Things Added To Them Pathfinder: ‘NPC Core’ Arrives – Bringing Friends, Foes, And Rivals To Lovers To Your Tabletop The Return of “The Return of SHADOW”! D&D:...
If you've ever found yourself frustrated with companions getting stuck in awkward spots or wished for more refined mod configuration options, these mods are for you! So, sit back, grab your camp supplies, and read on to learn about how all the magic happens in today’s modder interview....
BetterZip - Compress and extract selected items in Finder with BetterZip via Raycast. @koinzhang code api@^1.78.1 Bike - Control Bike with Raycast @HelloImSteven code api@^1.47.1 Bilibili - Get notify from bilibili @Fatpandac code api@^1.39.3 utils@^1.10.1 Bob - Control Bob Translate ...
If you’re manipulating the information, like how you would combine “character is good at jumping” with “a pit obstacle requires jumping” during prep, then the number of items you can keep in mind drops to between 2 and 4. There’s good news and bad news here. The good news is:...
The high-magic city-planet of Ravnica comes from the TCG, but it’s been expanded for roleplayers – meaning that players get some interesting new classes and races options, while DMs can appreciate the fleshed-out setting, monsters, and magic items. Most of the character options here ...
This is a bit of a shame, because otherwise, the Wild Magic Sorcerer is a somewhat interesting pseudo-support caster. It can reroll d20s, add a d4 to a d20 as a reaction, and eventually get to roll twice on the Wild Magic table. ...