在金属催化下,碳碳三键之间的重新构建反应。 反应通式 起源与发展 在20世纪70年代初期,A. Mortreux和同事第一个实现均相催化碳碳三键的复分解反应,原位生成[Mo(CO)6]/间苯二酚催化剂,在110 °C歧化甲苯基苯乙炔,生成二苯乙炔。然而,在这种催化剂的作用下,所有通过复分解转化末端炔烃的尝试都失败了。取而代之...
在金属催化下,碳碳三键之间的重新构建反应。 反应通式 起源与发展 在20世纪70年代初期,A. Mortreux和同事第一个实现均相催化碳碳三键的复分解反应,原位生成[Mo(CO)6]/间苯二酚催化剂,在110 °C 歧化 甲苯基苯乙炔,生成 二苯乙炔 。 然而,在这种催化剂的作用下,所有通过复分解转化末端炔烃的尝试都失败了。
Alkyne metathesis catalyzed by metal alkylidynes is a powerful method for forming a triple bond. Among different modes of alkyne metathesis, cross﹎etathesis and ringヽlosing metathesis are frequently employed in the synthesis of natural products; homo﹎etathesis and ring﹐pening metathesis are ...
This review discusses the emergence of alkyne metathesis as a valuable synthetic tool applicable in the synthesis of complex molecules and polymer science.doi:10.1039/b419143aFurstner, AMax Planck Inst KohlenforschDavies, PWThe Royal Society of ChemistryChemical Communications...
关环烯烃的复分解反应(RCM)是以烯烃为原料进行的复分解反应,而利用次烷基配体的催化剂,并且用炔烃作为底物的话,被称为炔烃的关环复分解反应(ring-closing alkyne metathesis: RCAM) 通过RCAM得到的环内的炔烃可以选择性的被还原成烯烃。利用这种手法,可以合成RCM难以控制的立体选择性的烯烃。这也是该反应的一个亮点...
WuXi AppTecTraining CommitteeAlkene/Alkyne MetathesisJianguang LeiOverview of topics to be discussed:Carbon carbon double bond formation via Alkene or alkyne metathesis reactionsGeneral mechanismBackground-MilestonesW(CO)5PhR(Katz, 1974)R = Ph; OMeTiCl AlCpCp1978Tebbe reagentMoPhN(F3C)2HCOC(F3C)2HC...
摘要: Examines the synthesis of conjugated polymers by alkyne metathesis. Description of conjugated polymers; Use of Horner reactions and Heck-type couplings in the synthesis; Behavior and solid-state structure of poly(para-phenylenevinylene).
The present invention provides heterogeneous organometallic catalysts for alkyne metathesis, including the metathesis of internal alkynes. Organometallic precursors are covalently bonded to the oxygen atoms of metal oxide supports to form catalysts having carbyne functionality. The heterogeneous catalysts provide...
The invention provides catalytically active compounds for alkyne metathesis comprising a ligand, on his part containing a guanidinate core which is forming a complex with a transition metal atom. Formally, the guanidinate core is a mononegative ligand that binds with the metal atom. One or both...
HETEROGENEOUS ALKYNE METATHESIS 专利名称:HETEROGENEOUS ALKYNE METATHESIS 发明人:Haim Weissman,Kyle N. Plunkett,Hyeon Mo Cho,Jeffrey S. Moore 申请号:US11422004 申请日:20060602 公开号:US20060281938A1 公开日:20061214 专利内容由知识产权出版社提供 摘要:The present invention provides heterogeneous ...