Compare 77311-1AP-10LF by undefined vs 77311-5ALKC10LF by undefined. View differences in part data attributes and features.
not available for EP0444474of corresponding document: US5132262 The present invention relates to soluble catalyst systems for the polymerization of C2- to C10-alk-l-enes, containing, as active constituents, a) a metallocene complex of the general formula I (I) where R1 and R2 are branched C4...
Date Oct. 14, 1993.Catalyst systems for the polymerization of C2-C10-alk-1-enes contain, as active components, a) a metallocene complex of the general formula I III, IV or v of the Periodic Table of elements or a metal selected from the group consisting of the lanthanides, X is ...
日本NHK党党魁街头遇袭 嫌犯假装握手后抽出16厘米刀行凶 被捕后面露微笑(来源:青蜂侠Bee 广州日报 大河报) 关注 赞 评论 决胜局加Buff,大胖是懂收视率的!梁靖崑3比2F勒布伦晋级四强#梁靖崑掌管决胜局的神 #梁靖崑重庆冠军赛进四强 #梁靖崑3比2F勒布伦 特斯拉不易 马斯克长叹一口气 父子俩各有自知之明,从相互...
据《阿斯报》消息,皇家贝蒂斯前锋、上赛季租借效力于贵州恒丰智诚的鲁文-卡斯特罗在租借期满后已经返回老东家。 2017赛季中超二次转会期,在西班牙人曼萨诺入主的大背景下,36岁的西班牙老枪鲁文-卡斯特罗从皇家贝蒂斯租借加盟贵州恒丰智诚(现已更名为“贵州恒丰”)。在贵州期间,卡斯特罗11次出场就打进7球,宝刀不老的他依...
Catalyst systems for polymerising C2 to C10-alk-1-enes contain as active components (a) a metallocene complex having the general formula (I), in which the substituents and indexes have the following meaning: M stands for a metal of the secondary group III, IV or V of the periodic table ...
The catalyst systems according to the invention are also particularly suitable for the gas-phase polymerisation of C2- to C10-alk-1-enes and can be isolated after their preparation.SCHLUND, RUEGER, DR., W- MANNHEIM , DERIEGER, BERNHARD, DR., W- NEHREN, DE...