This paper gives a brief description of the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and how to diagnose this problem and the damage it causes in structures. The first two sections give background information on ASR and the conditions necessary for ASR to occur in concrete structures. The third section ...
Alkali-silica reaction of concrete containing glass - Interaction with reactive aggregates. In: 2005 international congress - global construction: ultimate concrete opportunities, July 5, 2005-July 7, 2005, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom: Thomas Telford Services Ltd; 2005....
Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) can cause serious expansion and cracking in concrete, resulting in major structural problems and sometimes necessitating demolition. This is a short introduction to ASR - for more information, see theUnderstanding Cement book/ebook. Cause of alkali-silica reaction ASR is ...
silicate or sodium carbonate ABFSC binder incorporating either an innocuous control aggregate, an aggregate that is known to be reactive by way of ASR or ACR in ordinary Portland cement (OPC) concrete or an aggregate that contains reactive silica although a good service record has been exhibited....
Alkali silica reaction (ASR) occurs due to chemical reaction between hydroxyl ions in the pore water within the concrete matrix and certain forms of silica. This reaction could lead to strength loss, cracking, volume expansion and potentially failure of the structure. This manuscript reports findings...
Alkali-silica reaction in concrete: Mechanisms, mitigation and test methods 2019, Construction and Building Materials Show abstract Effect of sample geometry and aggregate type on expansion due to alkali-silica reaction 2019, Construction and Building Materials Citation Excerpt : One of the possible reas...
One of the possible applications is utilizing waste glass in concrete; however, alkali–silica reaction (ASR) is of major concern. In this study, tests were conducted by applying three different procedures: ASTM C1293, RILEM AAR-2, and microbar test methods. In microbar testing, glass ...
Expansive alkali silica gel forms due to the alkali reaction with reactive aggregates. Cracks and damage to the part of the concrete structure are the results of the formation of this expansive gel. There are several ways to minimize this reaction, out of which Lithium Nitrate compound is belie...
Expansion measurements were carried out on 4 cm x 4 cm x 16 cm concrete prisms made with precambrian greywacke, quartz-porphyry, opaline sandstone, Rhine gravel and Duran glass as aggregates, and the microstructures were examined, in order to assess the alkali/silica reaction. As expected, the...
Book reviewAlkali-silica reaction: Published by The Concrete Society, Devon House, 12–15 Dartmouth Street, London SW1H 9BL, England, 1985. ISBN 0 946691 12 6, Price £12.50, Members £5.00, 47pp. Author links open overlay panel