AVD-2024-0012Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS Management Web Interface 权限绕过漏洞(CVE-2024-0012)2024-11-19 AVD-2024-47208Apache OFBiz Groovy表达式注入漏洞(CVE-2024-47208)2024-11-18 AVD-2024-50340Symfony runtime 变量可控漏洞(CVE-2024-50340)2024-11-07 ...
Required: false Type: Boolean BotAppProtection: Default: true Description: en: Bot management module for App protection. Required: false Type: Boolean BotWebProtection: Default: true Description: en: Bot management module for Web application protection. Required: false Type: Boolean DomainsExtension:...
security/centralized-logs.yml Create Ram roles for management operation audit, OSS, and SLS, and save audit data to the specified OSS bucket. security/ecs-ram-role.yml Create a RAM role for ECS instances. security/existing-vpc-single-jump-server.yml JumpServer is an operations security audit ...
# Accio dependency management Dependencies/ .accio/ # fastlane # # It is recommended to not store the screenshots in the git repo. # Instead, use fastlane to re-generate the screenshots whenever they are needed. # For more information about the recommended setup visit: # https://docs.fastlan...