com.aliyun.oss.OSSException: The specified key does not exist.问题,这是一个在使用阿里云对象存储服务(OSS)时常见的异常,表示指定的对象键(Key)在OSS中不存在。以下是根据您提供的提示,详细分析和解决此问题的步骤: 1. 确认异常信息来源及含义 异常信息:com.aliyun.oss.OSSException: The specified key does...
报NOSuchKeys: com.aliyun.oss.OSSException: The specified key does not exist. 报错原因: objectName也就是key不正确. 解决办法: 查看是否对OSS保存时返回的key进行了修改,需要原生的key. 2.查看传递的参数信息。 路径\是否正确
报错原因: objectName也就是key不正确. 解决办法: 查看是否对OSS保存时返回的key进行了修改,需要原生的key.
endpoint:。 accessKeyId: 阿里云超级管理员key。 accessKeySecret: 对应的secret。 error message: oss: service returned error: StatusCode=404, ErrorCode=NoSuchKey, ErrorMessage=The specified key does not exist., RequestId=5A44D439888183B3BCB9F742 Author bgdsh commented ...
bucketName, objectName), new File(path));报NOSuchKeys: com.aliyun.oss.OSSException: The specified key does not exist.报错原因: objectName也就是key不正确.解决办法: 查看是否对OSS保存时返回的key进⾏了修改,需要原⽣的key. 2.查看传递的参数信息。路径\是否正确 ... ...
NoSuchDomainThe specified domain does not exist.404找不到请求的域名 CustomerNoOwnDomainCustomer not own domain name[{your customer code}]400查询的域名不属于请求的客户 示例 JSON XML JSON 请求示例 复制代码复制成功 #!/bin/bash username="example_username" apiKey="example_apiKey" date=`env LANG=...
xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Error> <Code>NoSuchKey</Code> <Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message> <RequestId>5B1D3D34FC0CBBD93F6D46FE</RequestId> <HostId></HostId> <Key>ZZBCZKvm3tPHtDC3Mg38473E</Key> </Error>...
OSS.copyObject(String sourceBucketName, String sourceKey, String destinationBucketName, String destinationKey) Copies an existing file in OSS from source bucket to the target bucket. Bucket OSSClient.createBucket(CreateBucketRequest createBucketRequest) Bucket OSS.createBucket(CreateBucketRequest c...
The HTML, to access the file path for, and ABC this Object does not exist, at this moment, in different values corresponding to the Type of behavior is as follows: - 0 (default) : Check if abc/index.html exists (Object + forward slash (/) +...