If you encounter any problems during using ossbrowser, you can switch to the debugging mode and observe the console panel. To switch to the debugging mode, click the icon in the upper left corner (see Figure 1 below) ten times. Note that in post-1.8.0 versions you can also open debug...
以下内容在Ubuntu20.04上运行测试过,可打包生成exe程序 启动oss-browser步骤 # 运行 1. git clone https://github.com/aliyun/oss-browser.git 2. cd oss-browser 3. make i 4. make build 5. make run # 打包 1. cp -r node_modules dist/ 2. make all 推荐使用Ubuntu18.0
1. 登录OSS管理控制台。 2. 单击Bucket列表,然后单击创建Bucket。 3. 配置如下关键参数,其他参数可以保持默认 4. 说明:创建的存储空间仅用于本次数据上云,且上云后不再使用,因此只需配置关键参数即可,为避免数据泄露及产生相关费用,上云完成后请及时删除。 本地数据库备份完成后,使用ossbrowser工具将备份文件上传...
npm install ali-oss --save 2.for example: constOSS =require('ali-oss');constclient =newOSS({region:'<oss region>',accessKeyId:'<Your accessKeyId>',accessKeySecret:'<Your accessKeySecret>',bucket:'<Your bucket name>'}); Browser Usage You can use most of the functionalities ofali-ossin...
aliyun OSS(Object Storage Service) js client for Node and Browser env. NOTE: For SDK 5.X document, please go to README.md Install npm install ali-oss --save Compatibility Node Node.js >= 8.0.0 required. You can use 4.x in Node.js < 8. Browser IE >= 10 & Edge Major versions...
[对象存储] 阿里云对象存储图形化管理器oss-browser登录功能已发券 [备案] ICP备案您填写的备案主体信息不一致已发券 [消息中心] 消息中心阅读不方便已发券 [云效] 云效项目编辑,抽屉弹窗自动收纳,导致我未保存评论内容消失。已发券 [云效] 云效平台——项目协作(缺陷管理)已发券 ...
com.aliyun.oss.ClientException: SocketException异常通常是由底层网络连接问题引起的。这种异常可能会导致...
读写用户:用来上传文件到oss中 1. 只读用户:程序读取oss 新增一个bucket 添加用户,记录用户的accesskey 读写用户: 用户登录名称 insurance_admin@8866.onaliyun.com AccessKeyID accesskey AccessKeySecret accessecret 只读用户: 用户登录名称 insurance_read@8866.onaliyun.com ...
aliyun OSS(Object Storage Service) js client for Node and Browser env. NOTE: For SDK 5.X document, please go to README.md Install npm install ali-oss --save Compatibility Node Node.js >= 8.0.0 required. You can use 4.x in Node.js < 8. Browser IE >= 10 & Edge Major versions...