The meaning of ALIVE is having life : not dead or inanimate. How to use alive in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Alive.
Idioms and Phrases Idioms look alive!pay attention! move quickly!: Look alive! We haven't got all day. alive to,alert or sensitive to; aware of: City planners are alive to the necessity of revitalizing deteriorating neighborhoods. alive with,filled with living things; swarming; teeming: ...
alive and well 1 : living and healthy She found out that her aunt is alive and well and living in Arizona. 2 : still popular : continuing to be used Many of the old traditions are still alive and well. alive to : aware of (something) : able to notice (something) Recoveri...
The missing student was found alive and well in Newcastle. (of an industry, area of activity, etc.) still popular or successful Singapore's literary scene is alive and well. Contrary to popular belief, the tourism industry is alive and well in this part of the world. bring something ...
The meaning of ALIVE is having life : not dead or inanimate. How to use alive in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Alive.
Kung fu encompasses a "chivalric spirit" that emphasizes the protection of the weak. It embraces a respect for nature and humanity, rooted in Taoist philosophy. Furthermore, it emphasizes the unity of the body and mind, providing benefits to both physical and mental well-being. ...
1. The English word "alive" is commonly used as an adjective, meaning "living" or "existing."2. The phonetic pronunciation of "alive" in the United Kingdom is [əˈlaɪv], and in the United States is [əˈlaɪv].3. Some common phrases ...
Well I’m about 4 weeks into winter training and I’m still alive and well. To be honest I’m better than alive; I’m happier than a pig rolling around. So far everything about this winter has been positive. This year we have changed a lot about my training in order to improve ...
Well, I’m about 4 weeks into winter training and I’m still alive and well. To be honest, I’m better than alive; I’m happier than a pig rolling around. So far everything about this winter has been positive. This year we have changed a lot about my training in order to improve...
Kung fu encompasses a "chivalric spirit" that emphasizes the protection of the weak. It embraces a respect for nature and humanity, rooted in Taoist philosophy. Furthermore, it emphasizes the unity of the body and mind, providing benefits to both physical and mental well-being. ...