阿里云盘 Describe the bug / 问题描述 更新到3.11.0版本后,挂载自己的阿里云盘还是不能播放视频,显示 failed get link: Device offline 不清楚什么原因啊,希望大佬帮看下 Reproduction / 复现链接 no Logs / 日志 �[31mERRO�[0m[2023-02-15 21:09:32] GET /dav/个人网盘/阿里云盘/去有风的地方/1....
应该是阿里云盘更改了设备验证方式 Reproduction / 复现链接 No Logs / 日志 �[31mERRO�[0m[2023-02-13 09:58:05] failed link /阿里/音乐视频模版小说壁纸/软件/IPA/Thor三件套-anwenya.zip: invalid X-Device-Id failed get link github.com/alist-org/alist/v3/internal/op.Link.func1 C:/User...
53% 更新到3.11.0版本后,挂载自己的阿里云盘还是不能播放视频,显示 failed get link: Device offline #3438 pongfcnkl commented Sep 18, 2024 换个分享链接就行 Author StackExplode commented Sep 18, 2024 换个分享链接就行 您是说后台设置中的“分享链接”字段吗?我使用了官方文档内建议的https://ww...
Offline download Copy files between two storage Document https://alist.nn.ci/ Demo https://al.nn.ci Discussion Please go to our discussion forum for general questions, issues are for bug reports and feature request only. Sponsor AList is an open-source software, if you happen to like this...
我添加了蓝奏云,能够正常列出文件列表,能够上传数据,但是当我点击文件时进不了文件下载页面,右键下载也不行,均提示failed link: failed get link: not find file page param。 我已尝试根据官方文档替换分享域名为https://wwop.lanzoul.com但是不起效果。我尝试过web代理、本地代理均无效,提示同样错误。同时我确...
详细说明请看自己安装方式的文档页面内</span><br/>2.v3.25.1阿里云盘open可以自行选择挂载备份盘或者资源库,详情<a href="/zh/guide/drivers/aliyundrive_open.html#云盘类型">详情点击查看</a><br/>3.AList版本大于v3.22.1,新版本新增单点登录自动注册为AList账户,点击查看<a href="/zh/guide/advanced...
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Offline download Copy files between two storage Document https://alist.nn.ci/ Demo https://al.nn.ci Discussion Please go to our discussion forum for general questions, issues are for bug reports and feature request only. Sponsor AList is an open-source software, if you happen to like this...
Offline download Copy files between two storage Document https://alist.nn.ci/ Demo https://al.nn.ci Discussion Please go to our discussion forum for general questions, issues are for bug reports and feature request only. Sponsor AList is an open-source software, if you happen to like this...