建议您前往up的私人博客yunsen2025.top进行观看 内容有变动会第一时间及时更新!(三方平台一个个更新不方便) (如果原文网站访问出现问题请及时站内私信我或通过邮箱admin@yunsen2025.top 谢谢 此快照时间:2024/10/13 18:08
82% Request failed with status code 500 #4190 74% alist恢复备份文件设置项提示Request failed with status code 502错误 #4707 73% 天翼网盘访问文件数量多的文件夹报错 Request failed with status code 504 #7004 73% 大文件上传到100%时报错 Request failed with status code 504 #2419 68% Request fail...
如果是用的nginxWebUI,那么在对应的反代站点里面 设置额外参数client_max_body_size值51200m; #上传限制 上传文件504错误 这个主要是前端用nginx反代后出现的。因为nginx限制了后端超时时间。Request failed with status code 504 如果是用的nginxWebUI,那么在对应的反代站点里面 设置额外参数 对照巷陌413错误的处理方...
通过docker全新安装的alist,在用V3.18版本备份的设置文件恢复时候出现Request failed with status code 502错误。除了设置选项内的内容无法恢复外,用户选项和存储选项可以正常恢复。 同时自己手动在alist后台修改设置也会提示Request failed with status code 502错误。 并且重新安装V3.18版本也无法进行设置 针对无法保存设...
解决alist上传文件Request failed with status code 504和403问题 HEISEN黑森 本文原文地址:https://www.yunsen2025.top/archives/132第三方平台(B站 csdn 博客园 知乎等)仅起引流作用 不会进行后续更新! 建议您前往up的私人博客yunsen2025.top进行观看 内… ...
5XX — Server error codes: The client made a valid request, but the server failed to complete the request. 1XX HTTP Status Codes This category is informational, temporary, and invisible to the client. It indicates the server received the request and will proceed with it. 100 — Continue...
A complete list of HTTP status codes with explaination of what they are, why they occur and what you can do to fix them.
502 Bad Gateway The server received an invalid response from an upstream server while processing the request. Try again later. 503 Service Unavailable Server is overloaded with requests. Try again later. 504 Gateway Timeout An upstream server failed to respond on time. If your query uses max pa...
unset}.privacy_requests .status-request-confirmed td,.privacy_requests .status-request-confirmed th{background-color:#f7fcfe;border-left-color:#00a0d2}.privacy_requests .status-request-failed td,.privacy_requests .status-request-failed th{background-color:#fef7f1;border-left-col...
报错“获取设置失败: Request failed with status code 503” 但是此时已映射的webdav可以访问。 尝试了以下方案但无效 1.执行curl -fsSL "https://alist.nn.ci/v3.sh" | bash -s uninstall 并重新安装 2.手动删除 /opt/alist/ 下所有内容,并重新安装 3.修改/opt/alist/config.json 中的"force": fals...