关于“阿里安酒庄红葡萄酒(Alion, Ribera del Duero, Spain) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自西班牙杜埃罗河岸产区的红葡萄酒,出产该酒款的酿酒葡萄享有与贝加西西里亚酒庄相似的葡萄栽培方式。该酒款散发着黑醋栗、黑樱桃和李子的香气,还夹杂着甘草、泥土和墨水的气息,质地如奶油,风味集中,烟熏味和野味占主导。 猜...
产区: 西班牙 Spain > 杜埃罗河岸 Ribera del Duero 酒庄:阿里安酒庄 阿里安酒庄资料 ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: 阿里安酒庄(Alion) 酒庄网址: www.bodegasalion.com 传真: 983 88 12 46 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料 ABOUT GRAPE 葡萄品种名: 丹魄(Tempranillo) 中文别名: 添帕尼优、田普兰尼洛、添普兰尼洛、泰利奥...
产区:西班牙 Spain>杜埃罗河岸 Ribera del Duero 酒庄:阿里安酒庄 阿里安酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: 阿里安酒庄(Alion) 酒庄网址: www.bodegasalion.com 传真: 983 88 12 46 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE 葡萄品种名: 丹魄(Tempranillo) 中文别名: ...
外文名称:VEGA SICILIA ALION RIBERA DEL DUERO 2018 类型:红葡萄酒 国家:西班牙 大区:卡斯蒂利亚莱昂 子产区:杜埃罗河岸 等级:DO 子等级:DO 酒庄:贝加西西里亚酒庄 年份:2018 评分:WA 95+ 规格:0.75L 葡萄品种 Tempranillo 丹魄 价格说明 划线价: 指商品的酒商/酒庄指导价或该商品曾经展示过的...
2 贝加西西里亚阿利翁干红葡萄酒 Vega Sicilia Alion, Ribera del Duero, Spain年份全部年份 2014 2012国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 产区 西班牙 » 卡斯蒂利亚-莱昂 » 杜埃罗河岸 品种丹魄 红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载--暂无酒庄详细资料--...
产区:里贝拉杜埃罗(Ribera del Duero) 葡萄品种:100%Tempranillo 年份:2002 价格:730元 Olivier Gilles:有明显的香草气息,入口时有很好的酸度与细致的单宁。 汪钟鸣:有成熟的黑色果实和熏烤的菌类气息,入口饱满,有巧克力摩卡和焦糖的味道。 赵凤仪:中度酒体,有橡木和香草气息,口感集中,结构感强,强劲的酒体,有很长...
Alion 2006 (3)Alion 2007 (3)Alion 2008 (3)Ribera del Duero9 bottlesAdditional informationAuction information This auction is now finished. If you are interested in consigning in future auctions, please contact the specialist department. If you have queries about lots purchased in this auction, pl...
Vega Sicilia, Spain’s most renowned producer, traces its roots to 1864, when Don Eloy Lecanda Chaves planted a vineyard east of Valladolid, in the Ribera del Duero region of Spain. The grape cuttings were from Bordeaux and by the 1920s the estate’s wines were winning acclaim at internatio...
This provocative, rich, complex, full-bodied Ribera del Duero possesses wonderful glycerin, fabulous purity, and a long finish that lasts for 40+ seconds. It is an opulent, voluptuously-styled wine with great stature. Drink it over the next decade. 95 Robert Parker, Wine Advocate (159), ...
Alion es un vino de la Ribera del Duero SydneyB premium 1,111 kudos 01 January 2011, 11:00AM I have given this image my endorsement.Sweet character, Aisnor Se la ve muy dulce Spaceritual premium 515 kudos 01 January 2011, 10:16AM I have given this image my endorsement. She ...