sudo -i进入root权限(如果不用root来roslaunch,只能launch rs_camera.launch, 不能launch rs_aligned_depth.launch文件,不清楚为什么。而只有launch rs_aligned_depth.launch文件才能找到 /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw话题) 多次cd ..直达系统根目录(不然下面找不到catkin_ws空间) cd 到 catkin_ws目...
I am having a weird glitch while building a 3D point cloud from the aligned depth with the color stream. almost everything looks alright but there are some weird lines that coincide with some borders in the depth image. I recorded two GIFs to show it: This is the code I am using: aut...
Edit: if you are attempting to record aligned depth and color frames to the bag then this will not work because bags recorded in the RealSense SDK do not save aligned frames, only the individual streams. Alignment is performed by loading the pre-recorded bag file into memory and then applyin...
Solved: To get the 3d point from the depth frame that has been aligned to the color frame. which intrinsic should I use between depth and color