'aligned_alloc' has been marked as being introduced in macOS 10.15 here, but the deployment target is macOS 10.9.0 cpython-3.14> 65 | void *aligned_alloc(size_t __alignment, size_t __size) __result_use_check __alloc_align(1) __alloc_size(2) _MALLOC_TYPED(malloc_type_aligned_alloc...
// alignedNew.cpp// Compile by using: cl /EHsc /std:c++17 /W4 alignedNew.cpp#include<iostream>#include<malloc.h>#include<new>// "old" unaligned overloadsvoid*operatornew(std::size_tsize){autoptr =malloc(size);std::cout<<"unaligned new("<< size <<") = "<< ptr <<'\n';retur...
Regular malloc aligns memory suitable for any object type with a fundamental alignment. The aligned_alloc is useful for over-aligned allocations, such as to SSE, cache line, or VM page boundary. This function is not supported in Microsoft C Runtime library because its implementation of std::...
__declspec(align(16))classVectorA{void*operatornew(size_tsize){void* p = _aligned_malloc(size,16);if(p ==0)throwstd::bad_alloc();returnp; }voidoperatordelete(void*p){ VectorA* pc =static_cast<VectorA*>(p); _aligned_free(p); } };classShapeB{public:ShapeB() {}private:...
As an example of the "supported by the implementation" requirement, POSIX function posix_memalign accepts any alignment that is a power of two and a multiple of sizeof(void *), and POSIX-based implementations of aligned_alloc inherit this requirements. Regular malloc aligns memory suitable for...
pointer allocate( size_type n, const void* = 0 ) { return pointer(scalable_aligned_malloc(n * sizeof(value_type), ALIGNMENT)); } //! Free block of memory that starts on a cache line void deallocate( pointer p, size_type ) { scalable_aligned_free(p); } //! Largest value for...
V613. Suspicious pointer arithmetic with 'malloc/new'. V614. Use of 'Foo' uninitialized variable. V615. Suspicious explicit conversion from 'float *' type to 'double *' type. V616. Use of 'Foo' named constant with 0 value in bitwise operation. V617. Argument of the '|' bitwise opera...
SynEcc32asm.inc SynEcc64O2.o SynFPCCMemAligned.pas SynFPCLinux.pas SynFPCMetaFile.pas SynFPCSock.pas SynFPCTypInfo.pas SynFastWideString.pas SynGSSAPI.pas SynGSSAPIAuth.pas SynGdiPlus.pas SynKylix.pas SynLZ.pas SynLZO.pas SynLizard.pas ...
The "standard" C way to do that is to allocate 16 bytes more than you need, then align the returned value from malloc, but you have to keep the original value as well, so that you can free() it later. I don't see a way to do it in Fortran though. I wrote a routi...
// alignedNew.cpp// Compile by using: cl /EHsc /std:c++17 /W4 alignedNew.cpp#include<iostream>#include<malloc.h>#include<new>// "old" unaligned overloadsvoid*operatornew(std::size_tsize){autoptr =malloc(size);std::cout<<"unaligned new("<< size <<") = "<< ptr <<'\n';retur...