Solved: To get the 3d point from the depth frame that has been aligned to the color frame. which intrinsic should I use between depth and color
rs2::frame frameRGB = processedFrames.first(RS2_STREAM_COLOR); cv::Mat mLastRGB = cv::Mat(cv::Size(mRsColorIntrinsic.width, mRsColorIntrinsic.height), CV_8UC3, (void*)frameRGB.get_data(), cv::Mat::AUTO_STEP); cv::Mat mLastDepthInColor = cv::Mat(cv::Size(mRsDepthIntrinsic.wid...
offshoringprofessionalsbusiness servicesinstitutional political economyOffshoring as an element of economic globalization is contested by various social movements. Analyses of actions focus frequently on the motivation of core activists but often neglect less-involved individuals. Based on 89 in-depth ...
NSWindowDepth NSWindowDocumentDrag NSWindowDurationEventArgs NSWindowExposeEventArgs NSWindowFrame NSWindowFramePredicate NSWindowLevel NSWindowListOptions NSWindowMenu NSWindowNumberListOptions NSWindowOcclusionState NSWindowOrderingMode NSWindowResize NSWindowRestoration NSWindowSharingType NSWindowSheetRect NSWindo...
//the first is the aligned video_frame, the other the post-filtered depth_frame auto depth_frame = aligned_frameset.get_depth_frame(); auto rgb_frame = aligned_frameset.get_color_frame();pc.map_to(rgb_frame); auto points = pc.calculate(depth_frame);data...
(); auto depth = data.get_depth_frame(); auto color_mat = frame_to_mat(color); cout << "depth width"<<depth.get_width() << " - " <<depth.get_height()<<endl; cout << "color width" << color.get_width() << " - " << color.get_height() << endl; imshow(window_name,...
The motif is shown as either: (i) the first (left) and last (right) frame of the movement and the landmark tracking in 2D space between them (center) and (ii) a subset of the features over time. (B) A sample of five clusters formed in the data in latent space before and after...
本文设计了Frame-Guided Region-Aligned model(FGRA)。模型结构包含两个分支:全局分支和局部分支。全局分支用来提取全局的特征,局部分支再细分为区域对齐机制和特征聚合策略。FGRA可以对视频的每一帧的区域进行对齐,在遇到类似下图的姿态、尺寸失调的情况也能够提取出鲁棒的时空线索。
For rain streaks, our method predicts the current frame from its adjacent frames, such that rain streaks that appear randomly in the tempo- ral domain can be removed. For rain accumulation, our method employs a transmission-depth consistency loss to resolve the ambiguity betwee...
In this case, light-induced photothermal stresses can be strong enough to induce shape changes at higher illumination but does not affect the opposite side of the film because of depth-dependent light absorption gradient (Fig. 7c). It is important to note that traditional polydomain CNC films ...