Now that we do have better ways to align boxes in CSS (as we will look at in the next section), we don’t need to employ thevertical-alignandtext-alignproperties in places other than the inline and text elements for which they were designed. However, they are still completely valid to...
Example of the Text-Align Property Let's see an example of thetext-alignproperty, HTML CSS /* aligns the text to left */p.left{text-align: left; }/* aligns the text in the center */{text-align: center; }/* aligns the text to the right */p.right{text-align: right; }...
p{width:200px;border:dotted 1px #000;}.ltr{direction:ltr;}.rtl{direction:rtl;}.left{text-align:left;}.right{text-align:right;}.center{text-align:center;}.justify{text-align:justify;}direction left:As most young candidatesforthe pains and penaltiesdirection right:As most young candidatesfort...
而第2点说到"最后一个line box内的inline-level box采用的是text-align:start",这个我们也可以参考CSS3的新属性text-align-last。当text-align:justify且text-align-last:auto时,最后一个line box或forced line break后的第一个line box...
The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of the inline-level content inside a block element or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.
这里我们要注意一下,text-align所设置的是以inline-level box所在的line box作为参考系来进行水平排列对齐,而不是block container所生成的containing block,就更不是以viewport为参考系。CSSRec中写道 A block of text is a stack of line boxes. In the case of 'left', 'right' and 'center', this propert...
The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal alignment of the inline-level content inside a block element or table-cell box. This means it works like vertical-align but in the horizontal direction.
text-align property aligns the text in a particular direction. This property aligns the text, which is stacks of line boxes to the left or right of the inline box.
需要注意的是text-align属性是运用于块级容器中的,不要将其应用于如span等行内元素。并且该属性是被继承的,所以应用text-align属性的所有子元素也会继承到该属性。 参考网址: direction 英文原版 ...
I inherit the alignment of my parent. In this case, that means left. Other Resources CSS1 spec CSS2 spec CSS3 spec MDN Related Properties text-align-last Browser Support For left, right, center, justify: For thestartandendvalues: