Do not use transparent or semi-transparent paper to align the printheads. Remove and re-insert all the printheads, seeRemove a printheadandInsert a printhead. This starts the printhead alignment procedure. Ensure the window is closed, as a strong light source near the printer during printhead rea...
Align the printheadsPrecise alignment between printheads is essential for accurate colors, smooth color transitions and sharp edges in graphical elements. Your printer has an automatic printhead alignment process which runs whenever a printhead has been accessed or replaced. In cases where the paper ...
HP重磅涂料纸 HP高光相纸 HP光面海报打印纸 普通纸 尝试用以下任意一种纸张类型执行打印头校准操作时,前面板上都会出现“Paper type not valid to align printheads.Change paper type to align.Press ENTER to continue.”信息: 羊皮纸 本色描图纸 半透明证券纸 ...
If the printheads have many defective nozzles, automatic alignment may not give good results. SeeCheck and clean the printheadsCheck and clean the printheads. If the problem persists, try using manual printhead alignment, or call your service representative (seeHP Customer Care CentersHP Customer Ca...
Remove and re-insert all the printheads, seeRemove a printheadRemove a printheadandInsert a printheadInsert a printhead. This starts the printhead alignment procedure. Ensure that the scanner is lowered, as a strong light source near the printer during printhead realignment can affect alignment. ...
This documents describes how to align and clean printheads using the System Maintenance Utility. Details Open theSystem Maintenance Utility. Follow these instructions to open theHP Designjet System Maintenancewindow: ClickStart, and open thePrintersfolder. ...
In the case of a paper jam, if you have used a custom paper, or if you are experiencing problems with color accuracy; you might need to align the printheads. 注意: If you experience a paper jam, HP recommends that you reinsert the printheads and align the printheads. 注意: Use the...
This documents describes how to align and clean printheads using the System Maintenance Utility. Details Open the System Maintenance Utility. Follow these instructions to open the HP Designjet System Maintenance window: Click Start, and open the Printers folder. Right-click the HP Designjet printe...
This documents describes how to align and clean printheads using the System Maintenance Utility. Details Open the System Maintenance Utility. Follow these instructions to open the HP Designjet System Maintenance window: Click Start, and open the Printers folder. Right-click the HP Designjet printe...
This documents describes how to align and clean printheads using the System Maintenance Utility. Details Open the System Maintenance Utility. Follow these instructions to open the HP Designjet System Maintenance window: Click Start, and open the Printers folder. Right-click the HP Designjet printe...