.flex-container { display: flex; /*dictates a min-height*/ min-height: 60rem; flex-flow: row wrap; border: 5px solid white; justify-content: center; align-items: center; align-content: flex-start; } #tall { /*intentionally made tall*/ min-height: 30rem; } .item { margin: 10px...
.flex-container { display: flex; /*dictates a min-height*/ min-height: 60rem; flex-flow: row wrap; border: 5px solid white; justify-content: center; align-items: center; align-content: flex-start; } #tall { /*intentionally made tall*/ min-height: 30rem; } .item { margin: 10p...
-contentalign-content可以看成和justify-content是相似且对立的属性,如果所有flex子项只有一行,则align-content属性是没有任何效果的。参数于align-items一致。作用在flex...,第二个值表示换行,中间用空格隔开。 justify-content justify-content属性决定了主轴方向(flex-direction方向)上子项的对齐和分布方式。align-ite...
align-items has the same functionality as align-content but the difference is that it works to center every single-line Container instead of centering the whole container. align-items和align-content有相同的功能,不过不同点是它是用来让每一个单行的容器居中而不是让整个容器居中。 align-content The a...
justify-content: space-around;align-content: center;} .child-2{ width: 30px;height: 20px;} 最终的结果如下图 所以对于只有一行的flex元素,align-content是没有效果的,如果.child-1改用align-items:center;则会达到预期的效果,如下图 但如果变成多行容器 使用align-items时效果如下 使用...
align-items属性适用于所有的flex容器,它是用来设置每个flex元素在交叉轴上的默认对齐方式。 还有一位回答者的回答也很好,如下 align-items has the same functionality as align-content but the difference is that it works to center every single-line container instead of centering the whole container. ...
default alignment of the flex items along the cross axis of each flex line. align-items属性适用于所有的flex容器,它是用来设置每个flex元素在交叉轴上的默认对齐方式。 还有一位回答者的回答也很好,如下 align-items has the same functionality as align-content but the difference is that it works to ce...
I was talking with a pal the other day and moaning about flexbox for the millionth time because I had momentarily forgotten the difference between thejustify-contentandalign-itemsproperties. “How do I center an element horizontally with flex again?” I wondered. Well, that was when she gave...
align-items属性适用于所有的flex容器,它是用来设置每个flex元素在侧轴上的默认对齐方式。 还有一位回答者的回答也很好,如下 align-items has the same functionality as align-content but the difference is that it works to center every single-line container instead of centering the whole container. ...
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