There aresomethings I enjoy here: Go Min Si continues to be excellent. I liked her interactions with Song Kang, and in general, missed his character more than I expected to—possibly because I was just so apathetic about the majority of the many, many new characters. I did enjoy a few ...
As such, the differences came from the work done to the image in 2024, and I found virtually all of those changes to damage the movie. Whatever superficial positives one can find from the 2024 edition, it simply doesn’t offer a presentation that resembles the film as created in the mid-...
The moment when the Alien Queen stabs Bishop through the chest is one of the most memorable jump scares in film history. It achieves this distinction not just because of how it happens, butwhenit happens — mid-celebration, just as we thought two characters whose interpersonal conflict has bee...
Poor old Charlton Heston never had much luck with the future as his characters often ended up in dystopian visions of hell. Such films included:Soylent Green(1973),Omega Man(1971)and the classicPlanet of the Apes,where simian humanoids are running the planet and enslaving the savage natives. ...
When this happens with characters rather than technology, see Sealed Cast in a Multipack. When they use technology which is technically obsolete (and often already theirs) it's Break Out the Museum Piece. When everyone's after a specific piece of technology it's a MacGuffin or Sword of Plot...
Except for Susan, who is perky, these creatures have no personalities in the sense of the distinctive characters in DreamWorks’ “Shrek” movies. They express basic intentions, fears and desires in terms of their physical characteristics. There is a lot of banging, clanging, toppling, colliding...
1970s, the rise of the New Wave split the field into hostile factions, as some writers sought to reinvigorate what they saw as a moribund literature by importing techniques from mainstream fiction and shifting the emphasis to the human experience of sf scenarios, the inner lives of characters....
Aliens have been one of the many staples of sci-fi movies, TV shows, comics, books and plays. Here are 25 of the most famous movie aliens.
Harold A. Dahl reported to authorities that his son had been injured and his dog killed by flying debris from four to six circular objects in what became known as the Maury Island Incident. A witness was also apparently threatened by characters wearing all black, which became the inspiration ...
There’s also an alien’s head and hands, fake human bones, and a lot of barrels. Also up for sale are dozens of costume items, including military uniforms, gloves, and fur coats, crew chairs with the names of characters. All of the items come from Project Bluebook, a History Cha...