Deciding the family needs some good old-fashioned togetherness, Stuart packs up the clan and heads to a three-story holiday house in the middle of nowhere. Joining them is Uncle Nate (Andy Richter), Nate's son Jake (Butler), Nana Rose (Doris Roberts), and identical 12-year-old twins Ar...
Robert HoffmanAustin Butler Cater JenkinsType: Adventure/Comedy(喜剧)Main characters: Stuart Pearson Tom PearsonRickyPlot: Stuart Pearson is taking a summer vacationwith his family and his brother's family inMichigan(密歇根州),the USA.One day four aliensfall on the top of the Pearsons' house. ...
二、阅读理解。AName:Aliens in the Attic(《阁楼上的外星人》)Director(导演):John SchultzWriters: Mark Bur
Soon after their arrival, strange things begin to happen in the Pearson house, including mysterious noises in the attic. When the kids investigate, they discover that aliens have landed on their roof and are planning to take over the world. However, the aliens are not prepared for the resourc...
Perfect. Rope in Grandma from Everybody Loves Raymond, and the job is pretty much done. The differential that’s thrown in is that in the loft of this big house where they all go off to are aliens that are intent on taking over the world. They’re not very good aliens, looking like...
Monster Squad; Aliens in the atticHHHWHEN two branches of the Pearson family meet up for a holiday in an isolated old house, they find more to keep them occupied than petty fights between cousins.Sunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)
a.Passage 1hisName: Aliens in the Attic(《阁楼上的外星人》)Director: John SchultzWriters: Mark Burton Adam F. GoldbergActors: Ashley Tisdale Robert Hoffman Austin Butler Cater JenkinsType: Adventure/Comedy(喜剧)Main characters: Stuart Pearson Tom Pearson RickygoPlot: Stuart Pearson is taking a ...
In Hollywood, extraterrestrials always seem to favor the grand entrance. They land on the White House lawn and implore us to end our violent ways (The Day the Earth Stood Still,1951). They replace the citizens of aCaliforniatown with listless pod people (Invasion of the Body Snatchers,1956)...
A family of destructive robots take over the Aqua Teen house. EP 3 Sirens With the Aqua Teens gone, a trio of Sirens move into their house. Their wanton songs pique Carl's attention. EP 4 Reedickyoulus Carl's new male enhancement device produces some unsavory side effects. EP 5 Hoppy ...
A family of destructive robots take over the Aqua Teen house. EP 3 Sirens With the Aqua Teens gone, a trio of Sirens move into their house. Their wanton songs pique Carl's attention. EP 4 Reedickyoulus Carl's new male enhancement device produces some unsavory side effects. EP 5 Hoppy ...