Welcome to AvP Unknown! Your resource for everything Aliens vs. Predator. AvP Unknown is also the official home for the AvP2 master server patch.
Outstanding! 136 hours of gameplay in. Now this is what I wanted, blasting Aliens just like the film. The game does an excellent job of putting you in the shoes of a Colonial Marine and boy oh boy is it fun!! The story is interesting, the voice talent is mostly spot on, and the ...
My god, i couldn`t believe this movie was even made. It is fantastic. Maybe not a good choice to watch when sober but when your smashed... Trust me if you can get a copy of this get it. Craig Sheiffers preformance in the film is fantastic. After seeing him years ago in Nightbreed...
…Bayonne has changed some over the years…the city has lost all its movie houses, and Uncle Milty’s Amusement Park where I had my first job… but the projects are still there, and Brady’s Dock, and Mary Jane Donohoe School on 5th Street… the candy store on Kelly Parkway where I ...
Cool. Reminds me a little of Contra or the original Metal Gear. How do these games look on a big screen? Tiwaz MemberChestbursterDec-24-2017 8:22 PM @DK Check Youtube and watch in fullscreen. That should give you a good idea. There are loads of let's plays/longplays for old game...
The entire premise is based on kinda ruining the ending of Aliens, saying that the reactor explosion didn't really end the nightmare. This kinda sucks, because what made Aliens so great is that it took the horror movie ending where the hero just barely escapes and turned it into the hero...
He’s full of shit there too. (It’s MY field, okay? Yeah, I know I don’t write like it.) The Chompy Gnome needs to shut up. TheOtherSean says: March 7, 2022 at 5:41 pm I saw some utility with respect to Chomsky’s work on context-free grammars in terms of computer ...
Free and low cost holiday ideas The holidays are expensive. This isn’t a huge shocker, I know. And if you’re a writer and not John Grisham, money is probably tight. I know it is for me. It’s so easy this time of year to feel like we must miss out on things. Like the lack...
Extraterrestrials would not intervene to help us solve the existential crises which we have created for ourselves for the same reason we created those crises in the first place:we are not mature enough. Do you really believe an alien civilization would gift us with free energy so we stop filli...
Completing this poll entitles you to The Western Journal news updates free of charge. You may opt out at anytime. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. Now I don’t know about you, but as someone who grew up in a city where the homelessness crisis (remember that...