在刷新率方面,在1080P模式下,AW2725QF最高支持360Hz的超频刷新率。在UFO Test测试当中也可以完全达到360Hz的刷新率,同样有着非常不错的防拖影以及防撕裂表现。 色彩表现上,AW2725QF显示器1080P模式下实测达到了100%的sRGB色域覆盖,AdobeRGB色域覆盖86%,P3色域覆盖92%,NTSC色域覆盖82%,色域覆盖表现相较于4K模式...
开启之后我们还可以通过UFO Test官网测试一下,可以看到屏幕稳定的跑满了默认的310帧,没有问题!同时在...
Recently, it has been very eventful for unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings in the U.S., and a new report has added to the intrigue: the government is reportedly investigating claims that UFOs have deactivated nuclear warheads. According to the Daily Mail,... The US President Reagan...
The Pentagon's UFO office has once again stressed that it has found no evidence of alien technology in the skies, in space or crashed in the American desert. The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) was created to help the U.S. government study and resolve reports of unidentified ...
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Sydney, Australia UFO Research NSW UFO Research NSW The Mitchell Theatre Presentation / Book Signing Saturday, April 6th, 2013at 1:00 - 5:00 P.M. Mitchell Theatre Part of the Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney, Australia Tickets: $35 AUD For Bookings, Contact: Ma...
接下来我们分别来看看两个模式下AW2725QF显示器的表现有什么不同。在刷新率方面,在4K模式下,AW2725QF最高支持180Hz的超频刷新率。在UFO Test测试当中,实测完全可以达到180Hz的刷新率,并且没有拖影和抖动,显示清晰,效果十分出色,这也得益于该显示器支持NVIDIA G-SYNC,可以带来出色的防撕裂效果。
开启之后我们还可以通过UFO Test官网测试一下,可以看到屏幕稳定的跑满了默认的310帧,没有问题!同时在...
Available add-ons Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features GitHub Copilot Enterprise-grade AI features Premium Support Enterprise-grade 24/7 support Pricing Search or jump to... Search code, repositories, users, issues, pull requests... Provide feedback We read every piece of ...