The good folks at Anchor Bay dropped by the artwork and specs for their upcomingDouble Feature, which includes The Man With the Screaming Brain and. I know ... you're too excited for words! The DVD set comes out on May 12th and will include the following: ...
today I’m posting something different yet still inexorably connected to the notorious 1979 Kenner ALIEN toy. This post is dedicated to a Tsukuda Hobby ALIEN being sold along with a a pair of Super7 ALIENS ReAction figures. All of these figures arelisted together for US$150and they each have...
Also, if you "disparage" the person, they can come at you for that. Think about that innocent mother and daughter walking hand in hand, with their likeness being used to represent legal prostitution in some Third World country -- yep: you gonna get nailed and you should. Did you buy an...
The recent tape of an alien autopsy was eventually revealed as a hoax - but it was too late to stop it influencing the lowest point of Ant and Dec's career with a film of the same name. Exposing real conspiracy But perhaps the most memorable 'evidence' was film footage in the 1990s ...
Bottom line: just switch them off. And if real aliens everarrive from outer space, we’ll have some real news to share with them—not hours of watching autopsies of latex dummies and mistaking geology for architecture. Caroline Delbert
Ever want to duct tape another species body parts onto yours? You can do that. Want to curl up in a ball and charge people? Got the gear for that. Need to squeeze your ginormous dragon into teeny tiny rooms designed by space rats? We got something for you. Try to take experimental ...
it is a little hard to place the screws in the right place. we wrapped the tree with wide painters tape. then placed small screws in the mounts on the back of bigfoot and taped them securely. when pressed against the tree, the screws put marks in the tape on the tree so we would ...
Imgettingnewblindstoday. 什么?甜心,绝对不行 What?Honey,noway. 猫头鹰盯着你是代表好运 Itisgoodlucktohaveanowlstaringatyou. 为何是好运 Whywoulditbegoodluck? 不知道 Idontknow. 我只是乱说,想省掉买hearts;hearts;百叶帘的钱 Ijustmadeituptosavemoneyonblinds. 那就买hearts;hearts;百叶帘吧 Blindsitis...
也许应该给警长围起警戒线 Should probably put this crime tape around the sheriff, · 因为他帅的都已经犯罪了 对吧 because he should be arrested for being too handsome, right? 我估计他不会被判太久的 Well, I mean, he wouldnt serve much time. 因为是帅是无辜的犯罪 Its involuntary handsomeness...
as I had planned. I will take a page from their book and steal from them as they stole from HRGiger. I will rent the tape and copy it for myself and perhaps a few extras for friends and family. HRGiger should sue the pants off them, simply on principle. Yours, in disgust, Paul...