In 2008 the American Film Institute ranked Alien as the seventh-best film in the science fiction genre as part of AFI's 10 Top 10, a CBS television special ranking the ten greatest movies in ten classic American film genres. The ranks were based on a poll of over 1,500 film artists, ...
Alien, American science-fiction–horror film, released in 1979 and directed by Ridley Scott, that chronicles the struggle of the crew of a deep-space commercial spacecraft to survive an encounter with a terrifying alien creature. The film stars Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, and John Hurt. Ali...
This is the third film of the Cloverfield trilogy, but it could not match up to the popularity or critical acclaim the earlier films received. This movie tells the story of a time when the earth’s energy resources were so depleted that space agencies all across the world came up with the...
Release Date: May 25, 1979 Genre: Horror, Science Fiction The time is the future. The crew aboard a massive, commercial space vehicle is en-route to earth with a load of extraterrestrial ore when they are sidetracked by mysterious signals from a nearby planet. The signals seem to be calls...
The movie's blend of humor, romance, and lighthearted science fiction make it an enjoyable watch for fans of 1980s cinema. Released: 1988 Directed by: Richard Benjamin Also ranks #16 on The 24 Most Underrated Alien Movies Also ranks #25 on The 70+ Best Movies With Dan Aykroyd Also ranks...
Alien 3, stylized as Alien3, is a 1992 science fiction thriller film directed by David Fincher and starring Sigourney Weaver, Charles Dance, Charles S. Dutton, Lance Henriksen, Paul McGann, Brian Glover, Ralph Brown and Danny Webb. A sequel to the 1986 f
The Alien film series is a science fiction horror film franchise, focusing on Lieutenant Ellen Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver) and her battle with an extraterrestrial lifeform, commonly referred to as "the Alien". Produced by 20th Century Fox, the series started with the 1979 film Alien, ...
Taking inspiration from Star Trek and many other science fiction television shows and movies over the years, the movie follows the stars of the series Galaxy Quest (Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub, Sam Rockwell), who are drawn into a real-life galactic conflict in spa...
Home Entertainment & Pop Culture Movies Alien: Mediafilm by Scott [1979]Share Images Sigourney Weaver Sigourney Weaver as Lieut. Ellen Ripley in the science-fiction–horror film Alien... © 1979 Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation John Hurt John Hurt as engineer Kane lying on a table ...
Alien: Covenant, directed by Ridley Scott, follows the crew of the colony ship Covenant as they discover an uncharted planet. Initially seeming like a paradise, the planet soon reveals dark secrets. Katherine Waterston, Michael Fassbender, and Billy Crudup lead the cast in this science fiction ho...