腐蚀中推出了一系列具有夜光功能的枪支,这些枪支不仅拥有炫酷的外观同时也有夜光功能,分别是Alien Red、Frostfire Pump Shotgun、Glory SAR、Golden Leaf SAP、Rcham's Alien Relic SMG、Polymer BAR和Glory BAR。 点击查看(按Ctrl+F可自行搜索相关枪支) 夜光功能枪支介绍 1、枪支名称:Alien Red 夜准呈现: 亮红色 ...
org/10.1094/PHYTO-07-21-0313-R Riar AK, Kaur S, Dhaliwal HS, Singh K, Chhuneja P (2012) Introgression of a leaf rust resistance gene from Aegilops caudata to bread wheat. J Genet 91(2):155–161 Riley R, Unrau J, Chapman V (1958) Evidence on the origin of the B genome of ...
Leonova IN, Röder MS, Budashkina EB, Kalinina NP, Salina EA (2002) Molecular analysis of leaf rust-resistant introgression lines obtained by crossing of hexaploid wheatTriticum aestivumwith tetraploid wheat Triticum timopheevii. Russ J Genet 38:1397–1403 CASGoogle Scholar Leonova I, Börner ...