Alien: Analects is an animated series, developed by Jason (OriGn) Cardona through his company Futprnts Workshop and Chris Picard, with inspiration drawn from the thousands of thought-provoking concepts proposed by the fans of This is an unofficial interpretation of the Alien ...
On May 4th, I attended the world premiere ofAlien: Covenant. Tonight, I have published my official review of the film, covering everything from the film's score, its cast and characters, the overall plot, pacing, effects, creatures and endings. ThoughCovenantwas not necessarily exactly what ...
Become a member to see contact information for Prometheus & Alien Covenant CANCELLED From Canon! Alien TV Series Will NOT Use That Lore. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Cast Filmmakers Images Videos Details Air dates Companies News Cast + Add Cast 1 cast member Name Known for ...
small plants emitted a substance that entered the nose and ears of two Covenant crew members, infecting them with Neomorphs. The resulting creature erupted from
Sir Ridley Scott confirms the Engineers will return in Alien: Covenant 2, the sequel (also potentially dubbed Alien: Awakening